One Way To Embrace Destiny

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Hi everybody! How are you? I hope you enjoy this new chapter from "We Only Have The Night". If you wish comment and rate/add my story. Thanks so much for reading. :D



I couldn't tell how much time me and José kissed each other but I see myself brutally apart from his love "assault" living my head empty and my well covered emotions in a complete mess. But it was me doing the instinctive movement.

I open my clouded eyes and I look at him and he seems worried.

Then my brain connects again. José kissed me, simply like that. I couldn't be more dumbfounded about it like I am now, even though he doesn't notice the difference.

- You kissed me...

- And you kissed me back. - José turned his face into a wide smile and his eyes sparkling weirdly like two Christmas lights. Where in a paralel universe, I tell him what I told few moments ago and his reaction is kissing me? He should have turn his "doubtometer" on imediatly at least.

- But you shouldn't.

- Why?

José's expression suddenly falls down like a roller coaster from happy to sad. But he didn't get the all picture I guess.

- You didn't listen one thing I said didn't you? I'm a freak of nature for some reason I can't explain, and instead of thinking I'm trying to play with you, you kissed me in a complete relief. Doesn't make sense at all.

- Night... I saw you in the woods, at night, running like crazy without a single light to guide you without fear and run from all the trees effortlessly. Shooting arrows with a precision of an eagle, at night in the woods at big distances?... I mean, I even put you in a situation where I left you disoriented in the middle of the woods at night and you pointed out where I was at the moment I said to you by phone you already could take the band out of your eyes. I was thinking you could be a professional killer or british spy or military, but your explanation works just as fine. Because doesn't matter to me.

- How is this doesn't matter? Besides everything you said, I told you I don't eat or drink for about a year and I have an addiction, that I don't mind how many lives are tortured so I can get it, and you don't mind? why you think I hide myself as much as I can? I can't go to funerals, places with kids, buildings with too much people. I'm not allowed to live like everybody else and it's not punishment enough for the kind of creature I've become.

- But it's not your fault. You maybe don't remember what happened to you, but I'm sure you didn't ask what's happening to you now.

- I agreed to go with that person and it's reason enough.

- You were drunk at the time, you were not on your better judgement, it was like kidnapping. Even if you could have any guilt at your side... It's not reason enough for you to be completely alone.

- Yes it is. I only can be in touch with people capable of deal with the pain without crying in public or even flinch. I saw that in Lili and you. You two can guard very well your emotions of pain. But that doesn't mean I will push further to put you both in danger. And that's the part I wanted you to listen and understand very well. Do you still remember your sim card? I have it because someone left it in the woods inside of some other smartphone in a way I could find it.

And how I found it? Someone put it there with some voices recorded playing messages of hate in scary whispers to make me get out of the woods forever. But not just someone. That person was crying in true agony and panic so I couldn't approach until the smartphone was hidden. Obviously that person was forced to do it. I climbed a tree to get some fresh air for several minutes, I couldn't risk being caught. But when I got down that person had already gone. They know my secret José, and they know how to get to you. They were the responsibles for the theft of your smartphone and the only person who could open his big mouth or to know something is Diego. I will go find him, to know who is stalking me and stop them before they get you and Lili.

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