The Reason For Guilt

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- It can't be too late...

Thomas Riseman looks at Lili with sadness and regret plastered in his face.

- Don't tell me it's too late! Don't even try it Thomas.

She grabs her phone but it starts to ring before she can do anything. Thomas Riseman is alone. They took everything from there except the containers... Even the video cameras were off. Something had to have happened because according to Thomas, they left too soon.

- Sim? Artur?... Estou naquele armazém... Sim esse... Não calma! Não posso explicar agora... Sim, sim, rastreia sem problemas... Não te preocupes vai ficar tudo bem, apenas vim tarde de mais: as pessoas sequestradas foram levadas ontem à noite.

(- Yes? Artur?... I'm in that warehouse... Yes, that one... No calm down! I can't explain now... Yes, yes, no problem, you can track it... Don't worry, everything is going to be fine. I just came too late: the kidnapped people were taken yesterday evening.)

Lili finishes abruptly the call and looks at the scientist before she speaks.

- We need to find those girls. They are innocent! Besides my best friend, your daughter and my soon-to-be boyfriend are counting on that. Diego, remember? You forced him bastard! You need to remember something. Anything can be extremelly important.

Thomas frowns a little. Lili doesn't want him to complain and her looks could kill, they were like to sharp blades in Thomas eyes. She needs answers right now.

- They just bursted out from here and told me to wait for a call. They took away the girls with them and put them in a truck. That's all I know, since they never bothered to explain nothing to me. The guards allways had their main orders from Preno Porsov.

She can't let him go. If he tries to escape Lili needs to find a way to keep him from disappear. How come she is going to do that... Well, that is a different story.

- Why can't Night accept I.V. serum?

Thomas eyes look like two flashlights in the darkness, completely opened and freaked out.

- What have you done?!

Lili frowns deeply... It's his fault, he shouldn't scold them for trying to save her life.

- We did what I just said. She passed out. She almost died burnt in the woods. We called a doctor and she tried to help Night in my house. She said Night was completely dehydrated, that she could not make it. What were we supose to do? But Night's body rejected it... Don't look at me like that! We did everything possible, besides it's your fault, don't forget that.

Thomas interrupted Lili right away:

- Of course the body rejected the I.V.! The body is completely controled by the micro devices. So technically you were saying to the software the body was receiving too much "help", so they made the body convulse as an answer to that invasion.

Lili gets angrier with each Thomas words:

- So the software was wrongly programmed and it's impossible to take it out. What kind of scientist are you?! How couldn't you figured that out earlier?

The helplessness in both of them cuts deep in the air. Thomas has no more strenght to fight for his position. He knows he is the one to blame.

Suddenly Thomas smartphone starts ringing and he looks scared to the screen before answer:

- Yes? Mr. Porsov?


- What?... It's not possible Sir... It was all calculated for each body, it's not like my first attempt, and... Sorry Sir... Of course Sir... But how can I manage to identify the situation and how bad it is if they are not here?... Ok... I'm still in the warehouse Mr. Porsov. Ok, I wait right here.

Thomas Riseman looks at Lili with dispair.

- Miss Gomes you need to get away from here. The guards are coming back soon. They are facing the same cravings as Night. I don't know how it is possible, but this can work at our favour. This can bought us some time so Night can recover while I try to see what is wrong with the devices. It does mean that the girls are still needed. They are bring them back. At least they will survive for a little longer.

Lili doesn't miss the fact Thomas Riseman called his daughter "first attempt" but controlled her temper while Thomas said the rest. There's a problem Lili needs to fix and she grabs her phone again.

- The police will be here soon, Thomas. I need to call Artur so he can back off for now. The thing is: if we survive to this mess, I need your promise that you will shut your mouth about your "first attempt". Am I clear?

Thomas Riseman flinched slightly under Lili's sharp tone, not missing the bitter sarcasm, but he nods with certainty. He will help his daughter in his last attempt to make amends.


Lili gets herself in the car, just in time to see the huge truck getting inside of the the space outside the warehouse. But when she closes her door, she hears strange noises in the back of her car.

- Que barulho é este?

(- What's that noise?)

Lili doesn't let Diego say a word when she burst out of the car to see Ivo sneaking inside of the car by the back entrance.

- O que estás aqui a fazer miúdo?

(- What are you doing here kid?)

- Eu posso explicar...

(- I can explain...)

Diego starts to say but when he sees Lili's expression snapping at him, he stops immediatelly fearing the consequences of his own words.

- Como pudeste ser tão irresponsável?

(- How could you be so irresponsible?)

Lili is mad, beyond mad, but doesn't say any other words until she know they are safe.


Hi dear readers! Sorry if the chapter is small, but I don't know when I can update again before New Year, so I wish for all of you a Happy Hollidays and all the joy in the World for 2016! :D <3

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