Hope Doesn't Belong To Me

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Hi everybody! How are you? That's chapter 10 for you! I hope you like it :D

So if you wish comment, vote, add my book and thank you for reading my story :D


- Onde está a Liliana?

(-Where is Liliana?)

I'm trying stupidly to look at Diego with rage in my eyes and in my words. But of course it's in vain... I can't show those emotions even if my life depended on it. He is flinching with pain in his leg, but I'm far from to give a damn thing about it.

- Não sei do que estás a falar.

(- I don't know what you're talking about.)

He looks at me defiantly and I point an arrow to the other Diego's leg. "Don't dare play with me now piece of rubish". I think to myself fiercely.

-Espera Naíta, estou a falar a sério. Não sei o que lhe aconteceu.

(- Calm down Naíta, I'm talking serious here. I don't know what happened to her.)

I can see by his terrified expression he is telling the truth. Damn it. But I need more answers and I know he can answer me that. So I don't move an inch from my position still pointing the arrow to his good leg.

- Thomas Riseman... Já sabes do que estou a falar?

(- Thomas Riseman... Do you know now what I'm talking about?)

Diego looks at me and my arrow with anger and frustration runs fast over him.

- O que queres? Não sei onde ele está! E se soubesse não diria nada, prefiro que tu mesma me mates.

(- What you want? I don't know where he is! And if I knew I wouldn't say a thing, it's better you kill me yourself.)

He is scared as hell. That man must be really dangerous. Anyway, that's the way I like him to talk fast and good.

-Quem te disse que não te vou fazer sofrer antes de te matar também?

(- Who told you I will not make you suffer before I kill you too?)

I'm getting mad and I position myself to finally dart the arrow and Diego flinches a littler more. He takes the bait.

- Só sei que ele está numa fábrica fora do centro de Amarante, dá para ouvir os sinos da Igreja de São Gonçalo. Quando os gorilas dele me levam lá, eu vou todo o caminho vendado.

(- I only know that he is in a warehouse outside Amarante's center, you can hear the bells from São Gonçalo's Church. When his gorillas take me there, I'm blindfolded all the way.)

Damn it again... It's possible. He would not take any chances to be caught of course, specially when his only choice is this human trash. But I didn't finish yet.

- Diz-me a verdade sobre as lágrimas...

(- Tell me the truth about the tears...)

Diego looks at me like he is challenging me to compare sins with one another.

-O que queres que eu diga? O cientista louco obrigou-me a fazê-lo. Achas que me agrada enganar as miúdas, sabendo que elas ficam presas em contentores, estilo sauna, sendo ameaçadas para largarem as lágrimas que te mantém viva?

(- What you want me to say? The mad scientist made me do this. Do you think I enjoy fooling the girls, knowing they get stucked inside of containers, sauna style, being threatened to drop the tears that keep you alive?)

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