Screams For A Nightmare

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The pain... where is it? Ouch... Head... It's in the head and she can feel it so deeply it's like it's for all her body. Well, all her body is aching actually.

She tries to open her eyes but she is not sure if she already opened them or if she is in some kind of spiral dreams where she thinks she wakes up but in fact she is still trapped in her inconscience state.

She forces her eyes to open. She feels her chest tighten like somebody is squeazing her lungs and she struggles to breath, weirdly only her nostrils seem to cooperate and finally she can open her eyes.

But she sees nothing. She is suddenly aware not only her head is aching badly but all her members are tied. Hands behind her back, she stretches her fingers but her wrists are tired of that position. The legs are tied in her ankles, too tight, and her mouth... She can't move her mouth, everytime she tries to move, her facial skin and around her lips stretch painfully. She can't move, see or scream.

Then her ears seems to function again. Now she can hear. Rough sobs. She is not alone and she has several people around her, maybe trapped like her... They are sobbing, muffled cries can be heard in all directions.

Suddenly she hears a terrified scream echoing for all the place. Lili understands now she was kidnapped and she is taking mental notes. She has no time for panic if she wants to survive.

She can see nothing but the space she is in must be small, hot, painfully hot and it's hard to breath. She tries not make any noise forcing her breathing to calm down.

She mentalizes herself she will not have much time before someone come to see her. The echos of screams tells her she is in a big storage maybe. She must be far from Gondar, there's not much places like that there, and none of those are empty or far from houses so nobody notices the screams. She knows well Amarante, several shoes and fabric warehouses closed due to national financial crisis. But is she still there?

Lili tries not to complicate. She must still be in Amarante. If who kidnapped her were the criminals Night has been chasing since last year, Lili knows Diego surely works for them, and knowing him like Lili knows he wouldn't go far from his mother. She can see Diego hanging around this place. He must have known her connection to Night.

Must be the reason for her to be in this situation unless her search for Rose Gerry and the fact she is the best friend of a science experiment. If only Night could hear her. But she doesn't know. Lili wanted to have sure about all the story about the second brain and heart before to tell Night all she knows.

Too bad she was not there when Lili took that blow in the head.

A Church bell rings at some distance. She knows well the sound: Church of São Gonçalo. She is indeed in Amarante. She just doesn't know if it is day or night. Lili thinks in her best friend and the fact she will be more than worried including José. Are they capable to find her?

She can sense the bad smell of sweat, her own probably or others around her, but she smells the now nauseating smell of leather, but she must be in a filthy place with too much people inside but surely not with cleaning service.

She suddenly hears steps and a metal noise of keys opening her door. Oh no! That's it, she will be tortured like the others. But she will be damned if somebody sees her crying or scream. She will put up a big fight on that, for sure.

Then the light snaps into her eyes like blades. It hurts her to face it. A big, tall and tan man with big blue eyes and bald head using black shirt and jeans hangs Lili by her arms without any type of kindness and without a word he takes her out of what must be a metallic container like the others she can see around the storage. What kind of sick things are played here?

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