A Ghost From The Past

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Hi everybody! I'm just updating quickly this chapter so I can move on with the story while I'm backing again using my tablet. Which turned out to mess up with some of the chapters and I apolagize for that. I will try fix it best I can. This chapter is really small but I will turn again with something more juicy, even though this chapter is rich in dark emotions. And because I really think that couldn't finish any other way. Let's find out? ;)

Thank you so much for reading my story! :D



He couldn't believe he was going to agree with this. After 5 years trying to copy with the numbness, the pain, the hate, the darkness, with everything she put him through, he would see her again, look in her eyes and work with her to save Night... The only person after Teresa, that made him believe in hope... Hope for love, hope for being really loved, for once in his life.

But just when he thought he was healed, Teresa comes back to Gondar and takes all his confidance away. She left before he could copy with his lost properly. Teresa was about everything to him. Doesn't matter how many times she made him mad at her, how many times she were ruthless, mean, selfish, unpredictable, bossy he was helpless in love, so he would forgive everything from her. But not betrayal... He couldn't live with that. He would still love her, stupidly love her, get her by his side, he would protect her, but more than that, he would helplessly possess her and controle her, bow her head down so she wouldn't dare cheat on him again.

That's when his friends found out he was losing it. They told him Teresa, as a woman didn't worth the effort, didn't worth his sanity. He almost losed it... He almost went there, made her pay and then get her back to Gondar with him, hiding her from the world so he could be sure she wouldn't feel tempted to deceive him again. His plan was already set up, but his loyal friends including Lili helped him out. They took him down, beat him and even defend her of him, he wanted to beat her, stalk her, make her life a living hell.

But finally he did let go Teresa, she went to Lisbon to work as a doctor in one of the main hospitals. She could be a bad excuse for a woman, but she had something he couldn't take away from the world: she is the most talented doctor he ever met and she would help any soul in need of her knowledge and time... As ironic as that could sound.

He decided to fight alone the rage, to heal painfully slowly, but he decided to move on. He eventually got back his sanity and one year ago he heard by Lili, Night was moving to Gondar, live with her for sometime in the village. For a month he couldn't see the one everyone called by Naíta. Nobody could see her. How odd... But the most odd part of it was he wanted to see her again.

He remembered the party 5 years ago, when he was just starting to healing from Teresa and he saw her, the vivid expression of his dark heart, dressed stupidly in black from head to toe, but so much alike his emotions, and starting to show how beautiful she was, despite the terrible outfit, he thought he could at least share with that girl some of his pain and to know more about her. But she turned out to be too far away from any kind of afection and importance... She did act like she didn't belong there, even like a gotic type of brat, and she wanted to back away from any human contact including him, so even though he got a little disappointed by her reaction to him, he decided to leave her alone.

When they met each other again he could see she didn't let go the black outfits, but changed them for something really different from what he imagined. She was suddenly athletic, a bow and arrows in her back, climbing trees in the middle of the night, saying the woods were her home and since she heard about the constant fires, she promised herself not let that happen again.

He laughed really hard because she actually sounded more crazy than he already gone before, but her constant stoic expression in her face, made him feel uneasy. Nobody never cared for the woods... Nobody never cared before if someone could die because of the fires. And she made herself clear when she proved to him, how she would do it.

José was not only impressed, he felt alive again for knowing a woman like her. Hope slowly started to grow inside of him, but the fear of rejection and betrayal almost took her away from him.

The slightest possibility for her to have a boyfriend got him to revive all what happened between him and Teresa, but it was different, Night didn't belong to him, like Teresa once belonged, or he thought she belonged. So even though he felt betrayed, he knew he shouldn't blame Night like he once he did with Teresa.

Then he knew all the truth, that odd truth and he couldn't help but feel the hope rising again, but it felt so wrecking inside his chest he kissed her for the first time, deciding he couldn't wait anymore, he couldn't afford to think in losing her to anybody else. He would fight like crazy for her love.

He couldn't decide yet if he can trust her or not, but at least her rejection about him has an explanation, a crazy one, and he knows Night has feelings for him. She can't deny it, she just can't name it and makes her to feel out of control. She never felt in love before and she has two damn devices inside her, that doesn't let her understand what she feels and is slowly threatening her life.

He is just too broken to believe all along it is love what she felt for him, he needs her to say she loves him. He can live with the fact she will not be normal again, the fact she can't feel strong emotions without snap the strenght from her heart and he would give her the space she needs, touching her where she only feels comfortable to be touched, tell her only what her heart can handle, but he needs her to say the words.

He actually needed her to love him, so he can brake the curse about his past with Teresa. And that alone is right now scaring the life out of him.


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