My She-Hero Is Hurt

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The phone call she is waiting for finally comes. She gets out of the table after dinner to have more privacy. Diego's eyes are darting in Lili's direction and she doesn't miss it. She will handle him later. The conversation is short but welcomed. She hangs up the phone feeling hope. And fear...

She spoke with Diego and he almost handcuffed her in her own bed near Night just for thinking about it. He was being protective but he has fear too. It's understandable.

She didn't have much time to think about his wish to be her boyfriend. She actually never thought about it that way. Or at least she thought. Until the last fight they had five years ago she had the hope to get him out of troubles. Everybody do mistakes but... He didn't react pretty well to her intervention and she gave up on him eventually.

Now... Can she forgive him? Now that his ass is on the line he thinks in change his ways? Few weeks ago she wouldn't believe in miracles. But he was not 100% evil and he meant it when he said he want to get out of troubles forever.

But that does mean they would need to run away maybe... Possibly for a long time. Possibly forever. Lili would run away with her best friend, could she do the same with Diego? For now she only knows Diego agreed to go with her to the warehouse. He also wants to make up for helping kidnapp those girls, before is too late, even though he was forced. For now her plan is getting finally somewhere.

For now, Night needs to be sedated to have something in her system. At least her heart would get stronger.

Suddenly she hears noisies in her room. She gets back inside. Night woke up.


- The woods!! The woods are burning!

The scent of smoke is intoxicating and I can't breath easily. I'm feeling too tired. I hear a desparate voice that only a second later I recognize as mine and suddenly I adjust my vision and I can see José, Lili, Artur... Diego? What is he doing here? What am I doing here? Lili's room? What the hell is doing a cloakroom with a bag full of some liquid that end up in a tinny long tube and after that in my hand.

What?! I can't think straight! Then I'm feeling sick and I would throw up if I had something inside of me to get out. The pain in my body is excrutiating but starts in my chest. My heart is pounding fast and hard. For the first time in a year my stomach is burning as deep in flames as the woods  outside. Gondar must be pretty much surrounded. Then I start to feel a painful tight feeling in my heart and suddenly I can't breath and I think I'm going to explode from inside out.

I can't find strenght to get my voice out and before I can aknowledge who is the "so fresh so clean" hot blond woman in front of me, I black out again and I can't feel nothing for the second time tonight.



Ivo always thought heroes as super muscled men, bright coloured tight pants on TV movies. But when he saw Night for the first time he couldn't believe in her skills. A lot of people used to make fun of her, because here people or get a job or take care of the house and kids or they are too young to work and they are in school, the rest of them are scum. 

So for a lot of people in Gondar, even though they should be grateful and they accepted be low profile about her for José's sake, they used to think of Naíta as scum with money and too much time to waste... a lunatic to be precise. His mom was one of them. A small nowhere place like this one, where to stop working their hats off is dying, it's not impossible to imagine. 

But not only Naíta risks her life dealing with the real scum, the only thing Ivo could think was that he wanted to learn all her skills. She was awesome, better than his gymn teacher and his football* coach all together. Damn she was better than the guy from Arrow his mom is so fan about, but he just hated,  he preffers teen characters from the supernatural world or those action movies. 

Her misterious ways grabbed his attention since the beginning and he loves a good challenge. But after some time he found impossible to spot her to ask to teach him. That's when one "happy" night  he actually saw her.  But she saw her with Diego. One of the true Gondar scums. His disappointment had no size. But then when he talked with José, that pays him to put an eye on his mother once or twice everyday, to check on her medication and to buy her bread to the van driver, the only option to people in the far way areas of Gondar to buy the morning bread for breakfast, he thought better about it and maybe she was doing some undercover services for police, which would be even more awesome. He wishes to be a crime scene investigator, even though his cousin, who works in Lisbon in the PSP department (Public Security Police), said their work could be very boring too, but he didn't believe it. 

Now that one more fire unleashed, the first in Gondar this year thanks to Naíta intervention every single night, Ivo starts to think what could have happened to Naíta. He only hopes nothing wrong has happened to her. While Ivo comes back home after half hour playing football with the twins, his neighbours, he finds a rampage of people coming into the door of Lili's house.

What's wrong? Then Ivo sees José, Artur his cousin's neighboor who works for the police in Amarante, Lili and Diego helping carring Naíta inside the house. She looks very dirty from sparks like she was in the middle of the fire, and small burns in her face. Ivo gets scared, too afraid to think. His female version of a hero was hurt and of course they couldn't get her to a hospital, because if that happened the doctors would find out she have super powers, like all the super heroes he saw on TV their powers are a secret, nobody could know about it. 



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