Author's Note/New book

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Hi everyone! How are you?

Why not to tell the background for this story?

Not many months ago my 4 yo son asked me what was a vampire.

I mean, I literally cheated on the vampire original referencies because I didn't want to touch in delicated subjects like death and blood with him. So I replaced it with something like this: vampires scare people at night and they start to cry with fear and vampires would steal people's tears. Lame I know but he found it so funny xD

But then the pieces of a messed up puzzle start to match because I already wanted to write a story about a woman/girl who can't express and show their feelings properly, messing with her not only emotionally but phisically too. It's a reality I face everyday first hand. Adding my messed up vampire version story masked as a sci-fi experiment it was last moment decision but gave me some more scenario to work on, more challenges and life colours to the characters. I allways try to reproduce true storic and scientific information too so you can enjoy it even more.

So what you think? Thanks again for reading my story! :D (by the way finally I reached the 200 views! Thank you so much! Let's work for the 300? I hope so xD )


Well let's get to the part I hope you think as good news:

I want to write another story and I'm just too excited to start to publish the chapters.

It's a huge risk because there's a lot of stories with the same base line as this one, but the plot twist it's not in the story, but in the characters.

It's basically a tribute to all the people feeling rejected because they didn't get to be what it was expected from them and they never seemed to get a chance to prove what they worth. But instead of a pity story, I add a personality to the main character (Valerie) very peculiar, where sarcasm and easy going mind gives strenght even for her to go through a "suicidal" mission to help the only person who never abandoned her when everybody did: her mother.

A different way to see the ironies of life, the sadness, the loniless, the awkwardness and the need to be accepted even if in the end against all the better judgements she actually wants to be herself. All written in a fantasy world background (my first attempt, so let see how it goes on :D )

The very beginning of the story:

" - Please my dear Valerie, go find your brother. I will not handle it for much longer and I want to say goodbye to him.

- Why you think he cares mother?

- He does... It was my fault he is with his father now, but I just want his last hug. I can't mind-link him anymore... Please, I have no one else to ask...

I'm not asking why the hell it's her fault my brother turned out to be a greedy smartass like our father, because my beautifull stubborn mother is very sick righ now, laying down on her bed, in her luxurious vintage style bedroom after one more long day of chemo sessions and even if I went to live a life of my own ten years ago, my mother would allways be my mother and at least she didn't abandomned me like my father did. I'm in debt to her and at least my potions are helping her to ease the pain.

- Ok mother, I will go find him for you."

The book is called: No Bounderies - The Wolf's Sweet Disaster

See you there! :D

Ana Ribeiro.

(The picture above is the representation of Valerie, just imagine her with darker brown hair xP)

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