Troubled Ways To Hide The Truth

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Hi everybody! How are you? Chapter 11 is here! A little shorter than my normal chapters but with no less surprises, I promise you ;)

If you wish, you already know: comment/add/vote my book and make this wattpadian here more than happy! :D

Thanks again for reading my story :)



- I saw Diego trying to escape from here, limping and blooding from his leg like if he had been shot. He saw me and he tried to run away even faster. I block him easily and he is on his way to Amarante in one of our police cars for interrogation. So, I can start with a question for you Night: Are you responsible for his bloody leg?

The four of us are sitting in the living room and except Lili sitting on a kitchen wood chair near to José side, the rest of us are in the sofa with me in the middle. I'm just tired to lie and tired to try to feel normal for others when clearly I'm not.

- Yes. He was trying to escape, after I made him go to the woods to meet me there. He sensed trouble and started to run away, so I darted an arrow to the rear tire of his motorcycle so he couldn't escape and I darted his leg just to make sure he would be caught. We brought him here to take care of the wound and to make him talk.

Artur open largely his eyes but said nothing, letting me say the rest of the events.

- I wanted to meet him, to ask for Lili.

- Why Diego? What does he has to do with Lili's kidnapping?

I look in his eyes before answer.

- I hope you have time...


After more than a hour and half explaining all the mess to Artur we managed to answer the endless questions about my condition including a trip to Lili's e-mail adress to look for Rose Gerry's e-mail, and googling to find all the researches from the psycopath Thomas Riseman, so to prove to Artur I was not joking about my condition for more surreal that could be. Even though he had his own theories already, not very far from José's theories I might say, Artur couldn't even imagine the possibility of something so unreal being happening in front of his eyes. Even though he knew something was not right about me.

Artur look at us completely in shock but also aknowledged. He seems to believe in me, but he is worried.

- Before we keep going... Night... How come you get yourself into this? You were really naive and careless. You should have called for help, you could have told me and even if you couldn't, you two should have done something, specially you Lili. Night, you are in trouble, do you understand? Diego will open his filthy mouth in no time, if not for other reason so he doesn't have to go down alone, and I can't let you run away.

I know you since you were little. I know your only concern is for keeping Gondar safe. But you did it all wrong. Because Diego will talk and will be his word against yours, and for much absurd it can be, his version will be better accepted than yours. It will be the weirdest crime ever, a humilliation I don't want you to go through. The court will believe much easier in Diego, because your explanation will bury you in the mudd from head to toe. They will think you are mocking with their faces. You will be arguida* in the charge process in the girls kidnapping. Everybody in Gondar knows your skills and you already harmed Diego. Your situation is not good at all.

Well I harmed José too, but he keeps quiet about it. I know how he would sacrifice to not make me go through any troubles at all. I really don't deserve his love for me.

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