Changing For The Better

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12 hours earlier

Lili is in his mother's house... Waiting for him. They didn't talk anymore since her cousin's birthday party 5 years ago. They avoided each other since that day. They had a huge fight in front of a lot of people. After that Diego lived his life on edge as he planned.

He was not the good guy type. He never did hide it. He was not the type of man to have dreams too. He gets what life throws at him. So he started to plan small crimes like burglaries and extortions. He was smart to not be caught, and he saved enough money to make life worth living. It was easy for him to save money. His mother taught him better. But his tendencies for crime came for his father of course, who died in prison... Diego needed someone besides him and his mother to make all his efforts and risks have some meaning: Lili.

Now he is getting close to his goal. Maybe his luck was about to change. He is in front of his mother's house where he lived his childhood until he was 18 years old.

He opens the door and his overweight mother with shining smile and green eyes like his hugs him hard telling about how he should eat more because he was too skinny. He could easily miss everything about his mother but that mission to shove food down his throat is something he doesn't miss at all.

He sees Lili sitting on the old couch with a shy smile on her face. His mother goes with Ivo's to the therapist in Amarante and he now has all the time of the world to talk to the girl he loves.

- Como estás?

(- How are you?)

That simple question can bring so many meanings that even Lili got wrecked in the emotional overload. He is very shy right now and even Lili that can't keep his mouth shut to save her life is very quiet too.

- Porquê Diego?

(- Why Diego?)

He looks confused at her, but her pleading expression seems to light up a small candle in his brains.

- Fi-lo por ti.

(- I did it for you.)

She doesn't speak and turns her back to him like she is about to explode of frustration, rage but a bit of hope too.

- Tenho medo...

(- I'm scared...)

He gets what she is saying. If she starts to believe in him and he turns out to be a disappointment it will crush her heart... Again.

- Nunca estive tão certo do que quero.

(- I've never been so sure about what I want.)

- O que queres realmente?

(- What do you really want?)

She asks calmly in the outside but her chest is telling him, she was too anxious.

- Sobreviver a esta trapalhada, tirar-te a ti e a minha mãe daqui e pedir-te em namoro.

( - Survive this mess, taking you and my mother out of here and asking you to be my girfriend.)


1 years ago

- The cirurgical procedure is completed sir.

I heard that voice like it is too distant. Where am I? Why my head aches so much? I smell hospital scent. Did I got an accident? Crap! I must have been drinking too much and fell with my head.

When I will get out of here? When I will wake up? I swear it hurts so much that I promise not getting drunk again, not like this at least. I will watch a movie, I will read a freaking book, but for sure I will not end up in a hospital again. I don't like to walk out at night. Crap I don't even like that goddamn pub.

What will they do to make this pain go away?

- It's time to erase her memory sir.

What? Oh no no. No way! Nobody mess with my memories! Leave me alone right now.

Hey?! The pain is getting away, it feels good... I mean, unless they are sedating me to erase my memory, it must hurt... It must... Oh crap, crap, crap, that's now! I don't want my memories going away! Somebody help me! Help! Help! Damn, nobody will gonna hear me... I can't keep my conscience awake... I'm feeling so heavy... Nothing, finally I don't feel nothing.



She goes open the door. In her house have been Diego, José, Artur and Night in Lili's bed.

Lili doesn't see Teresa for a long time now and she is still the same. Screw José, Lili grabs Teresa arms and hugs her happy to see her and to agree in helping Night. José goes to the kitchen while Lili does the presentations. She feels awkward but she is more confident in the presence of José.

He just losed it out of passion and dispair, but now Lili can see he is madly in love with Night and she couldn't be more happy for her best friends.

Without big words Teresa follows to Lili's room to check up on Night. Night is still unconscious but Teresa came prepared. Besides she spoke with the ambulance and they went to attend another emergencie, since Gondar is not the only place covered in flames right now.

After some time watching Night, Teresa looks worried.

- Ela está desidratada, os sinais cardíacos estão demasiado fracos. Parece que ela tem se matado à fome. Precisamos de...

(- She is dehidrated, her heart signals are too weak. She looks like she is starving herself to death. We need to...)

Lili cut her off.

- Tem de ser aqui Teresa. Desculpa.

(- Must be here Teresa. I'm sorry. )

Teresa looks at Lili frustratred then she thinks for a little while.

- Eu preciso de ir à casa do meu tio. Eu irei precisar de 10 minutos. Se ela acordar, por favor chama-me.

(- I need to go to my uncle's house. I will need 10 minutes. If she wakes up, please call me.)

Lili nods and Teresa burst out of the house.

José comes inside of the room and his eyes can't get out of Night. Obviously he heard everything behind the door because he doesn't make questions. He picks Night's hand and just stare.

Than his rage takes some huge proportions and he goes outside.

Lili only turns to see him when Teresa returns and she sees Night still unconscious and she tries not get in line with José's rage.

Then Teresa takes some tinny long transparent tube with some needle in one of the sides and attaches the needless side to some plastic bag like the ones to put frozen food, with some liquid. She looks like the McGiver of medical field. Impressive. She picks up Lili's cloakroom and two sticks she grabs from the outside and crossing the sticks in the cloakroom suports and she got a way to sustain the bag between the sticks so the bag would not move.


Lili is squeezing gently the bag while the precious liquid is going to Night's blood stream. This situation got really extreme proportions, but finally Night is getting back her old colours to her skin and she already moved her fingers.

When it's time for José takes Lili's place Teresa comes back with food from some local restaurant.

They sit in the kitchen while they are waiting for Night to wake up.

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