Chapter 1

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I don't know how long it had been since I faked my death. I was hiding in the safest place for me, heaven. I created my own little nook in heaven, that was only accessible to me. After destroying a wall, from throwing my blade at it so many times, I decided I should check up on the guys.

I flashed into the bunker, invisible. I looked into the library and saw Dean drinking his beer, looking at a phone, that I recognized to be mine. I walked over and stood behind him. He was looking through the photos. They were of me and Dean and the other guys, making silly faces. Or they were pictures that I secretly took. I looked at the date in the corner of my phone. It was three months after I had 'died'. I guess time flies when you're hiding in heaven. I walked to my room. Cas was sitting on my bed clutching the shirt I wore when I first arrived to this dimension. I choked back tears and went to find Sam. He was in the bunker's shooting range. He shot the target, hitting the head every shot. I sighed and flashed to London to go check on Sherlock and John.

They were on a case. John was typing away on his laptop. Sherlock sat in his chair his hands together under his chin. I looked at his wrist and saw my dress bracelet. It no longer had the shine it had when I first got it and it had chips in it from when I threw it, probably making it inoperable. They seemed to be doing the best so far. I flashed into the Tardis with some difficulty.

The Tardis knew I was there. I put my hand on the console to calm her. The Doctor was no where to be found. After wandering the Tardis, I found him, Amy and Rory sitting by the pool, that was inside the library. He was floating around in an inner tube. His eyes seemed so much sadder, than when I last saw him. I knew it was me who had added to the darkness to his eyes. I flashed into TV land.

This was where my brothers were hiding. Their combined powers made them completely invisible to all angels, well except me. I looked around the five-star hotel room they had created for themselves. Every space was clean as it could be. Gabriel was sitting on the couch next to Lucifer. Michael was sitting in a chair reading and Raphael was at the dinner table. I couldn't remember the last time I talked to someone, so I poured myself a glass of fine wine and sat down on the couch. Then, I made myself visible. They didn't notice me right away so I smacked Gabriel in the back of the head with one of my wings. He turned to Lucifer.

"Hey, what was that for?" he asked annoyed.

"That was me, you idjit" I said taking sip of my wine. They all turned to me quickly. Then, they calmed down.

"Not cool Gabe, adding our dead sister to this TV land" Lucifer said, sounding more upset than annoyed.

"I didn't" Gabe said inspecting me closer. Luci nearly spit out his drink. Their eyes grew.

"Sup bros" I smiled. They all stared at me in complete shock.

"Tessa..." Michael choked out. Then, he did something very human, he ran over and tackled me to the floor, hugging me tightly. Gabe, Luci and Raph did the same. When we tried to pull apart, our wings got tangled. When we eventually unraveled ourselves we all collapsed to the floor in a fit of giggles.

"I missed seeing my children laugh" a voice said. I sat up to see Chuck, well God, I mean Father. My brothers were confused. I was really shocked to see him here, revealing himself to us.

"Father, I was not expecting to see you here" I said, tilting my head, it must be an angel thing. Lucifer and Michael straightened their postures and their jaws tightened. Raphael and Gabriel did the same. I kept my same posture, I was more comfortable around him than them.

"Hello Tessa" he said smiling warmly at me. I smiled back. Then, he looked to my brothers.

    "Father" Lucifer hissed. Oh shit, stuff is about to go down I thought, realizing this is the first time in who knows how long Lucifer has seen Father.

    "Hello my son" he replied calmly. "I know you must be angry with me, I was foolish for giving Michael the order to cast you down" he said putting a hand on Lucifer's shoulder. Lucifer flinched, and out of instinct I grabbed Luci's hand. He immediately calmed down. I let go of him and looked at my hand, it was glowing.

    "Woah, achievement unlocked, Angel Tamer" I commented, my inner geek resurfacing. "So anyway, Father, what are you doing here in TV Land?" I asked.

    "I thought it was time I fixed my relationship with my more powerful children" he said. "Spending time on Earth with humans has given me a few ideas" he said as our surroundings changed. We were sitting in an empty park on a big picnic blanket. Plus, we all looked like swirling balls of bright light, it you squinted we looked like teenagers. My t-shirt and work coat were one and were replaced with a flowy white sundress. My brothers, were wearing white clothes as well. Birds chirped in the trees and a deer was walking on the edge of the forest.

    "Um, why do I look like my younger self?" I asked, my voice sounding strange. So this must be what my true voice sounds like I thought.

    "These are our true forms" Michael said.

    "You have much to learn Tessa" Father said smiling at me. A feast then appeared on the blanket, well a picnic feast with watermelon, sandwiches, a pitcher of lemonade and pretty much anything else you would see at a picnic. I stared in awe. "Go on" he said gesturing to the food.

    "Life as a human sounds like fun" Michael said, after I finished my story.
    "Yeah, it was... sometimes I miss it, the feeling of heat and cold, the smaller things." I said, getting lost in my thoughts. Then, I got a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach. "Someone is praying to me" I said, a wave of panic washing over me. "No one else knows I'm alive" I said. I looked to Father, awaiting his approval to leave. He nodded and I unfolded my wings and flashed away.

So that was the first chapter of my new and improved book! I hope you liked it! Also I hope you guys aren't mad at me for the hiatus.


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