Chapter 18

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So Helena, the strange white phoenix bird thing, did not like anyone. Well... except for Luci and me. She sat on her little perch screeching at anyone who came near. I sighed and ran my fingers down her little head. Something felt wrong inside of me. I had hoped that the trials would have no effect on me, but they doing something. But what was I supposed to do? Tell someone? Of course not, this is the world of SuperWhoLock. No one tells anyone about their problems here.

"Tessa?" Lucifer asked, pulling me out of thought. I looked up at him.

"Hm?" I acknowledged him.

"The garrisons are back with the blood, but they can't get the ectoplasm," Luci said.

Oh yeah, I have to take the grossest bath in the world I thought, rolling my eyes.

"What's the problem with the ectoplasm?" I asked.

"They can't find any spirits strong enough or pissed off enough," he replied, leaning on my desk. He reached over and stroked Helena's feathers.

"Well we're running out of time," I added. Lucifer nodded.

"Tess, are you okay? You seem different," Lucifer asked. I put on a fake smile.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I replied. "We could try looking in Hell, I'm sure Crowley has some stored somewhere."

"I didn't think of that, I'll go get a garrison," Lucifer said, patting me on the back and hoping off my desk.

"Wait," I said, "It's been a week, I need to get out of this office."

"And leave heaven without someone in charge?" Lucifer asked.

"You'll be here, stupid," I replied. He narrowed his eyes at me. "It's just Hell, I'll be fine, I can handle myself against some punk ass demons."

"You will call for me if you get into trouble, understood?" Lucifer ordered. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah," I huffed, I spread my wings. Lucifer grabbed my arm.

"I've already lost Raph, I won't lose you too," he added.

"Luci, I'll be fine. Trust me," I reassured him, before I flashed away.

Before I even landed I felt the heat. I walked down the halls, trying to ignore the pleading souls in the cells. Eventually I reached a bolted door and I immediately knew that it was the storage room. I could feel the power radiating from it. I waved my hand and I heard the click of the bolts unlocking. I pushed the door open and walked into the room. There were long lines of shelves.

Oh come on! I growled internally. Nothing was in alphabetical order or appeared to have any kind of system. I shrugged and walked down the first aisle of shelves, nothing. Then, the next one, nothing. Nothing again. Finally, on the 120 shelf I found a bunch of jars filled with gross dark green ectoplasm. I scrunched up my face and grabbed the jars. I put them in my pocket which were bigger on the inside, a little perk I added to them. I turned and went to walk out of the storage when right in front of me were some familiar people.

"Hello, Tessa," the Master cooed.

"Son of a bitch," I growled.

"You're supposed to be dead," Crowley purred, crossing his arms.

"Now when has a friend of the Winchesters stayed dead?" I replied. Crowley nodded after taking a second to think.

"Nice suit," the Master smirked, looking me up and down. I threw him a disgusted look.

"What? I'm in charge of heaven now, I have to look the part," I replied. "Now if you excuse me I have better things to do than deal with you assholes." I added, I unfolded my wings and prepared to take off when chains appeared from the walls, wrapping around them.

"You not going anywhere," Moriarty singsonged creepily. I rolled my eyes and went to puff my wings out, but I found the chains didn't break.

"I still have some angels on my payroll," Crowley smirked, pacing around me. I knew the chains looked familiar.

"What do you want?" I growled.

"You know what we want," the Master cooed. I sighed That was so half a year ago.

"You know, I've got people to save, plus you're going to have a bit of a problem," I sighed, "Oh Luci," I singsonged. There was a big crack of thunder and in the shadows I saw glowing red eyes.

"Let my sister go," Lucifer growled. He walked out of the shadows, the floor freezing as he walked. I could see my breath and I smirked as the Evil Squad cowered in fear. Crowley snapped his fingers and the chains relaxed around my wings. I flipped them off and flashed out with Luci.

"I told you to be careful," Luci growled at me.

"I had it mostly under control," I replied.

"Mostly?" Lucifer added. I rolled my eyes. "Tessa, you could have been killed!"

"Just forget about it!" I growled, anger flowed through me. Lucifer tilted his head, looking taken back at my outburst. I took a deep breath. "I got the ectoplasm," I said, the jars appeared on my desk.

Now I'm going to skip the bit where I take a bath in all that shit because the levels of gross were over 9000. I'll just go to the aftermath. I should probably mention I have a weak stomach when it comes to gross shit like that. So you could probably guess what happened afterwards...

"How am I even throwing up?" I coughed, my head in a trash can. Adding on to the gross factor was the slight burning sensation in my wings. Lucifer was holding my hair back and rubbing my back. "I don't eat, there shouldn't be anything to throw up!"

"To be honest, I don't know," Lucifer replied as I let go of whatever I had in my stomach. "So what's the next trial?"

"It isn't going to be pleasant to do," I replied. I pulled my head out of the trash can and coughed. I looked down, seeing blood. I quickly made the mess disappear.


Sorry for the short chapter... Again.

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