Chapter 21

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"Almost done," Dean stated, wrapping up the cut on my arm. Losing my wings had dramatically changed my sense of balance and I became very clumsy. I was tripping on my own feet, bumping into things and dropping almost everything. So Dean patching me up or giving me an ice pack was a common event. Another thing was the feeling of hunger and thirst. It had been a while since I felt that. My brothers- I mean- the archangels were pretty busy with heaven... There had been rumors of another rebellion and they were trying to stop it so they were hardly around. I desperately wanted to help, but I was useless... And my emotions seemed to flood in from nowhere. It seemed that I was wrong about still having my emotions as an archangel. I sort of did except they were very subdued and mostly never surfaced. Now it was like a dam had broken down... Cas was doing his best to help me since he knew how it felt, but he could only do so much.

Cas and Sam had left to go on a hunt and Dean offered to stay and take care of me. I also had to get used to sleeping again, but I was plagued with nightmares so Dean had offered that I sleep with him.

"I think I'd be okay in my room Dean," I added, as Dean opened the door to his room.

"It's no problem, besides I'll be able to wake you up as soon as they start," Dean answered.

"Okay," I gave in. I yawned and went to get in the bed before realizing that I was sleeping in a bed with Dean. I bit my lip in worry.

"Are you okay?" Dean asked, looking at me.

"It's just that in most fanfics when someone has to share a bed with someone it usually ends with sex," I answered, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"You really should get off the internet," Dean added. I raised an eyebrow at him before sighing and climbing into bed. I staying as far away from him as possible without it being too obvious I was trying to avoid him. Eventually I drifted off to sleep. I don't remember any of my nightmares, but I just know that they were pretty bad...

"Tessa!" Dean called, shaking me. I shot up and we smacked foreheads.

"Ow, shit," I growled, holding my head.

"Are you okay? It looked really bad this time," Dean asked. I sat up against the head board and ran a shaky hand down my face.

"Yeah, I'm good," I replied, running my fingers through my hair. Dean leaned against the headboard, next to me.

"We need to talk," Dean said.

"Okay," I replied.

"Um, regarding what's been happening between us... Um I- I like like you. And I wanted to know if- if you- uh- feel the same-" Dean started, beginning to stutter. I cut him off with a kiss.

"That answer your question?" I asked with a slight smile. Noooooo I'm ruining my OTP...... But he's soooooo hoooot.

"Yeah, it does," Dean replied before pulling me in for another kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and straddled his thighs. His hands snaked around my back. I ran my fingers though his hair and deepened the kiss. Our tongues fought for dominance until I gave in with a moan. My prediction was very accurate...

I'm about to have sex with Dean Winchester I thought to myself. I stopped kissing him for a moment to pull my shirt off, he did the same. He ran his hands down the scars on my back where my wings had been ripped from me. We kissed again and he began to leave a trail off kisses down my neck. He wrapped his arms around me, and rolled, pinning me under him. He smirked and reached down, he stopped and looked at me. I nodded and he tugged my pants off. I sat up, taking control as I was getting impatient and I'm a top... I grabbed his hair, kissing him fiercely. With new found strength I flipped him on his back, once again I was straddling his hips. He reached behind my back undoing my bra (Yes I sleep in a bra, don't ask why).

"You're beautiful," he purred, leaning up to kiss me again. I pushed him back down and I trailed my hands down his muscled chest down to his hips.

Let the Internet finally do me some good I hoped as things finally got more heated.

-Time Skip-
Brought to you by the fact I have no idea how to write smut!

"Told you it would end with sex," I purred. I listened to his heartbeat, my head on his bare chest.

"Yeah, you did," Dean replied. He wrapped his arms around me and I finally felt somewhat okay. I closed my eyes, and the rise and fall of his chest lulling me to a dreamless sleep.

I hummed to myself, as I flipped the pancake. I was wearing one of his shirts with only underwear on underneath. I heard footsteps and I looked at the doorway to see Dean, his hair ruffled, wearing his robe and boxers. I smiled as I spotted the hickeys on his neck.

"Pancakes?" He asked, walking over.

"I was hungry," I replied, grabbing a plate. I put the pancakes on and handed the plate to him. He sat it on the counter and pulled me in for a kiss. I smirked, deepening the kiss and bit his lip. He let out a growl and pinned me against the counter. He pulled away with a sly smirk and moved to my neck making more hickeys. I moaned and knotted my fingers in his hair. He pulled my shirt up running his hands across my stomach to reach my back before grabbing my ass.

"We're back!" I heard Sam call through the bunker. Dean pulled away and I pulled my shirt down before nearly sprinting to my room to get dressed. I pulled on clothes and walked out to the war room where TFW was talking. I fixed the scarf around my neck, hoping it was covering any hickeys.

"Hey Tess, um- I gotta go with them on a hunt," Dean shrugged. "We shouldn't be long, and your broth- I mean- the archangels will be here in a bit."

"Okay," I replied with a small smile.

"Oh and we purchased tacos for you," Cas added. He handed me the bag and I sat it on the war room table. I gave each of them a hug before they left.

"Be careful," I said as they walked towards the hallway to the garage.

"We will," they replied. I smiled as they walked out the door. As the door closed my smile disappeared. I had nearly forgotten my sorrow, but when I saw Cas and not his beautiful onyx wings, the perfect bubble of blissful joy that Dean had built up came crumbling down. That was what I missed the most... seeing angels' wings and the way they moved. Seeing Cas's wings wrap around Dean whenever they stood near each other. The way Michael had his pale blue wings folded perfectly against his back. Or how Lucifer curled his pink sparkly wings around my shoulders when ever he was within reach of me. I especially missed the careless way Gabriel's golden wings looked when he would sit, sucking on a lollipop. I missed it so bad...



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