Chapter 8

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-Two Months Later-

I tackled the lone werewolf to the ground. We rolled on the ground and it swung its claws at me, caching my arm. I quickly threw up against a tree dazing it. I swiftly moved at it, pinning it to the tree.

"Where are the archangels?" I asked, my hand wrapped around the werewolf's throat.

"I don't know" he choked out. I tightened my grip around his neck.

"That's not what the last one told me" I hissed. "Are you lying to me?" I asked, my eyes starting to glow.

"No, but I know who will know" he said quickly.

"Name?" I growled.

"Benny" he replied.

"Benny, the vampire?" I asked, surprised.

"Yeah, if anyone can help you find them it's him" he said.

"Where is he?" I asked.

"He was up north, last time someone saw him" he said.

"Thanks" I said, before crushing his neck, feeling the satisfying crack and the spray of blood across my face. I picked up his makeshift weapon and started north. I stopped at a stream and washed some blood off of my face, just enough to where I could see clearly. I looked up at the setting dull grey sun and, like usual, I pulled a Katniss and climbed a tree, falling asleep sitting on a branch.

I woke up to the sound of yelling. I looked below me to see someone slicing heads with ease. I recognized him right away, it was Benny. Another vamp was sneaking up on him. I dropped from the tree landing right on it, snapping it's neck. I twirled around to slice the head off of another vamp, the head hit the forest floor with a thump. Benny whirled around to face me.

"Hello there, Angel" Benny cooed, looking at my scorched wings.

"Archangel actually, the name's Tessa" I corrected calmly, squaring up with him. "I need your help."

"Why would I help something that can kill me easily?" he asked.

"You helped Dean and Sam, and they would kill you without a second thought" I said.

"You know the Winchesters?" Benny asked.

"Yeah" I replied. "We're friends, saved their asses a couple times too."

"What you need?" he asked.

"I need you to help me find my brothers" I replied.

"Sorry to tell you this, but there aren't any angels in here but you" he said.

"What?!" I yelled.

"Shush, you'll attract the-" he said quickly before stopping, looking behind me. I turned to see several leviathans form behind me.

"Crap" I said, before grabbing Benny's arm and taking off. He kept up pretty well. Once I thought we had gotten away, I stopped. "What do you mean there aren't any other angels here?" I said, in a hushed whisper.

"I haven't heard a whisper about anyone in here but you, and when something as powerful as an archangel is thrown in here, you know." he replied

"Then, Hannah still has them" I said, running my fingers through my matted hair nervously. "I need you to get me to the entrance to Hell"

"Why Hell?" Benny asked.

"I'll check the cage first, then I'll get to the Winchesters and recuperate" I explained.

"Ok, it's about a day's trip" Benny said.

"For a human or an angel? My wings may be damaged, but that doesn't mean I can't keep up with you" I said with a smirk.

"Ok then" he said before taking off, I followed him.

-Roughly 10 hours later-

"Here it is" Benny said, stopping at a rock formation. I immediately recognized it as the portal, there was even the draft of Hell's signature heat. 

"Thanks Benny" I said, giving him a hug, and walking to the rocks.

"Tessa" he said. I stopped, my hand on the rock.

"Yeah?" I asked, looking back at him.

"Tell Dean I said hello" he said, with a smile.

"I'l be sure to tell him" I smiled back and Benny ran off. I pulled the rock out of the way and stepped into the portal.


Hope you liked this chapter! Sorry for it being so short, again!
Comment 'Vampirate' if you miss Benny!

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