Chapter 22

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I sat at the war room table mindlessly eating my taco. I went to nervously play with my wings when I remembered my grace was gone, my wings were gone, now I was just human again. I sighed and put my head in my hands. I felt a hand lay on my shoulder I looked to see Lucifer, Michael and Gabriel.

"Do I have to?" I asked. I knew exactly why they would come see me especially if there was the threat of a rebellion. I had to face my ex-brother and sisters.

"It's better if you do it in person," Michael replied. I nodded solemnly and stood, taking Lucifer's outstretched hand. Our surroundings changed to the garden. Standing in front of me was an audience of angels. Their demeanors changed to confusion as they looked at me. I yearned to just even see a glimmer of their beautiful wings. They turned, muttering to each other. Michael cleared his throat and they quieted, he nodded at me. I took a deep breath and addressed the crowd.

"So I know I've been gone for a while and all you have heard is that I was in a comatose state. Well as you can see I'm no longer in a coma, however I am no longer an archangel as my grace was destroyed. So I am giving up control of heaven to Michael, Lucifer and Gabriel," I announced. The room grew louder as the angels asked questions I turned, holding Lucifer's shoulder. I felt the air shift around me as he flashed out. I looked around to see the outside of the bunker.

"Why aren't we inside?" I asked.

"We have a little surprise for you," Gabriel smiled. I raised my eyes brows at him.

"Here put this on," Michael added, handing me a blindfold. My mind immediately went to a weird place, but I took the cloth anyway.

"Here, I'll guide you," Lucifer purred, putting his hands on my shoulders. I felt the air shift around me and Lucifer slowly guided me to a chair.

"Can I take the blindfold off now?" I asked.

"Go ahead," Gabriel replied. I pulled the blindfold off...

"Surprise!" Everyone yelled. I grinned wildly seeing Dean, Sam, Cas, 11, Sherlock and John. The bunker was decorated with blue streamers and balloons. And then I remembered... It was my birthday.

"Happy birthday Tess!" Dean smiled, hugging me.

"Thanks, guys really," I smiled. Gabriel snapped his fingers and a beautiful SuperWhoLock cake appeared. "How do you know about this?"

"I may or may not have gone through your phone," Michael replied with a guilty smile. I glared before starting to worry slightly, I had more than a few... things in my phone.

"Mike..." I growled.

"Uh, Happy Birthday to you" he started to sing and everyone just seemed to go along with it. As they finished I blew out the candles, but they relit.

"Gabriel really?" I growled, grabbing the candles and throwing them to the ground, stomping them out.

"You're no fun," he pouted.

"Tess, what's on your neck?" Lucifer questioned. I quickly to tried re adjust my scarf. "Give me the scarf," Lucifer growled. Seeing as now he could easily kill me now I pulled the scarf off of my neck.

"Are those hickeys?" John asked. My face reddened and I hid my face.

"Hey now, everyone just calm down," I heard Dean plead. I looked to see Michael, Lucifer and Gabriel stalking towards him.

"You were making out with my sister... Again?" Lucifer growled.

"Hey. I'm not you sister anymore so you're not the boss of me," I commented, folding my arms defiantly. "But I still have my blade and I will put it through your throat if you hurt Dean," I threatened with a smile, and not a nice smile either. They backed off, seeing that I was serious.

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