Chapter 14

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Trigger Warning

I walked down the street, looking for any trace of Metatron. I checked every alleyway, peered into every diner I passed. My phone dinged with a message from Sam.

Sam: Found him
Sam: Got him in a warehouse on 42nd street
Tessa: On my way

I put my phone away and walked down an alley before flashing out. I pushed open the door and walked in to see Metatron tied to a chair. Sam was standing nearby, Dean and Cas were glaring at Metatron with looks that could kill twenty times over. Metatron looked up at me.

"Oh hello, you're new," he commented. I glared at him.

"I need to know everything about the black liquid stuff you told Hannah about," I commanded.

"And why should I tell a simple human?" he sassed.

"I'm an archangel you ass," I hissed, making my wings visible.

"But how? There were only four archangels created," Metatron questioned.

"Well now there's five, the name's Tessa, I'm from another universe, and I'm still fucking pissed about what you did to my boys over there," I growled, pointing to Team Free Will.

"Well, you see, I'll tell you, but I want something in return," Metatron cooed.

"How about I just cut the info out of you?" I replied quickly.

"Tessa..." Dean said, in a warning tone. Metatron simply smiled.

"Dean couldn't do it, how could you?" he purred.

"Oh I will, but I'm still giving you a chance here to tell me. What do you know about the black liquid?" I growled, getting really close to his face.

"I want something in return," he repeated.

"Okay then, time to make the fandom proud," I smiled, before snapping my fingers. A table appeared with knives and tools of all sorts. I took off my jacket and rolled up the sleeves of my clean white shirt. I pulled my hair back into a ponytail. I reached for the table, and as I went to pick up a knife Dean grabbed my arm.

"Tess, don't lose yourself, it can be too easy to, and I don't want you going down that road," he warned.

"If I get too out of hand, just say 'I can dig Elvis' and I should snap back," I replied, knowing my fangirl weakness. Dean nodded and let go of my arm. He walked out of the large room and walked outside with Sam and Cas.

I grabbed a blade and strolled over to Metatron. I ran the blade down his arm, slicing it. I smiled as he winced. I made another slice and another.

"Just tell me and I'll stop," I offered, he stayed silent. I let my anger fuel my actions. I made a slice across his cheek.
"That's for Cas," I stabbed the knife into his hand. He let out a yelp. "That's for Kevin." I twisted the blade, before pulling it out. "That's for Dean," I grinned. I picked up a hammer. "And this, is just because you're an asshole." I slammed the hammer onto his knee shattering the knee cap. He screamed and I grinned. I lined up the next swing for his other knee.

"I talk! I'll talk!" he yelled. I moved the hammer away.

"Then talk," I hissed, crossing my arms.

"The liquid is from the water that spawned the leviathans. It was tainted with their raw life force when they crawled out of it," he explained quickly with raspy breaths. That explains why Lucifer didn't know about it. It's from before he was created, I thought to myself

"And how do you purify it out of someone, say an archangel?" I asked. He shook his head.

"I want to make a deal," he replied. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"That doesn't work on me," I hissed. "Now do you want your other knee cap shattered?" I asked. He glared at me defiantly. I shook my head, disappointed. I lifted the hammer and swung shattering his other knee. He yelled in pain. I picked up a bottle of acid and unscrewed the cap. I poured it on his leg. The pants dissolved and the skin began to sizzle and burn away. It ate all the way through to the bone. I smiled as he screamed. I tilted the bottle, again, only letting a droplet drip onto his hand. He yelled.

"How to you cure it?" I growled. He continued screaming. I rolled my eyes and poured another droplet. He screamed more. I snapped my fingers and he was healed. He was breathing heavily. "Talk before I go all out, cause that's not all I have planned."

"I'll- I'll write it down, it's- it's a long process," he replied quickly. I glared before snapping a piece of paper and a crayon into my hand. I undid the rope around one of his wrists and allowed him to write it down. I took the paper and stuffed it in my pocket before picking up a blade again. I didn't see the guys watching from a window. I smiled as I stabbed the blade into his stomach.

"What is she doing now?" Dean asked. I turned the blade. I jerked it to the right, starting to gut him.

"Oh my God, she's going to kill him," Sam said, running to the door. He tried to open it, but I had sealed it.

"She's not stopping," Cas stated, still watching me gut him. Dean jumped through the window, tumbling to the floor.

"Tessa! Stop!" he yelled at me, but I didn't hear him I was too busy settling a score. "I can dig Elvis!" Dean yelled. I turned to him, my heart stopping. I looked at my hands, they were stained with blood, as were my clothes. I dropped the blood covered blade to the floor. Sam and Cas tumbled through the window. Everything blurred as Cas ran past me, to heal a dying Metatron behind me. I looked at Dean, tears running down my face. As my knees started to go Dean caught me hugging me tightly. I sobbed into his shoulder.

"Dean, I- I couldn't control myself," I cried in disbelief of myself.

"Shhh, it's okay, I know, I know," Dean said, holding me tightly. He led me outside as Sam and Cas dealt with Metatron. I looked at him and saw I had gotten blood all over him. I snapped my fingers and both of our clothes were clean. I looked at my hands, they shook. Dean put his hands in mine. I looked into his fan-fiction green eyes. I knew where this was going.

"Screw it," I mumbled before grabbing his shirt, I pulled his lips onto mine. I closed my eyes as we melted into each other. I wrapped my arms around his neck as his snaked around my back. When he pulled away to breath I smiled. Well there goes my OTP I thought as I held him tightly. I smiled as I looked into his eyes, "That is so much better than fan-fictions describe it."

"Sometimes I forget that you're not from here," Dean said, "And I've been wanting to do that since I saw you in that dress." He pulled me in again and we kissed until Sam opened the door. He smirked as we moved apart, before Cas led Metatron out. Dean held my hand as Cas shoved Metadouche into the trunk of the Impala. I pulled the paper out of my pocket and read it

"Are you fucking kidding?! Trials?!"


DON'T FREAK OUT! I'm not going to make this book a big mushy romantic mess, Tessa will still be a strong female main character. However, I've been shipping Tessa and Dean since 'Chapter 3: Dancing, Training and... Cuddling?' so there may be some events that occur because of this little romance...
Please don't kill me.

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