Chapter 13

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"Tess, you okay?" Lucifer asked me wearily.

"I don't know" I replied, sitting down at my desk. An angel ran into the room.

"Ma'm, something is wrong with your brothers" she said frantically. I flashed into the medical room, where they were recovering. The floor was covered in the same black water from the pit. Angels were running around the room, flipping through books. I pushed through the crowd to see my brothers. They were each laying on beds, with water running off their bodies. I could see their graces flickering in and out, as their bodies were shutting down.

"What is happening?" I said, loudly. All the angels looked to me.

"We don't know, but can't touch them, the water burns us..." one of the angels replied. I half ran over to Gabriel. I hesitated before touching his shoulder. The water made a hissing sound as it made contact with my hand. I recoiled my hand.

"What is this stuff, I was in it, but it's not doing this to me..." I said, thinking out loud.

"We don't know. Hannah learned about it from Metatron" an angel said. Metatron I felt anger bubbling inside of me, and a bit of glee, for having the chance of making him suffer

"So we need to find Metatron?" I asked, half-excitedly.

"Yes, I'll get a garrison together" an angel began.

"No, I'll go myself, and I need to make a visit to some friends" I said.

"Wait, are you talking about-" the angel began.

"The Winchesters? Yeah, they have a network of hunters who see and hear everything" I said, unfolded my wings from my back. I looked at all the angels, "I leave Lucifer in charge, until I get back" I said, loudish. Then, I looked at Lucifer "Don't fuck shit up while I'm gone or I'll whup your ass" I said, in a warning tone. I looked at my brothers in their beds one more time, before I flew off to the bunker.

I appeared in the war room. Dean and Sam were sitting at the table, and Cas had just walked in from the library. He looked up at me.

"Tessa?" he said. Dean and Sam turned to me, half jumping.

"I need your help" I said. "Something is wrong with my brothers, and I need to find Metatron"

"Metatron?" Dean asked, looking at Cas. "I thought he was still locked up in heaven"

"Well..." Sam said.

"Forget it, I need to find him quick" I interjected.

"I could make some calls" Dean said.

"I'll check the police databases," Sam said, opening his laptop. Dean pulled several phones out of his pockets. I turned to Cas. I grabbed his arm and pulled him into the library.

"What is it Tessa?" he asked, tilting his head.

"When we find Metatron, we need him alive, but as soon as I'm done with him, you guys can have him" I explained.

"What are you asking him about?" Cas asked. I sighed, and explained the events that occured, and the current states of my brothers.

"I've never heard of any liquid that behaves like that" he said.

"Neither has Lucifer and he's the second oldest" I said.

"Tess, I think I've got something" Dean called from the other room.  I walked back into the room. "So a hunter spotted a guy taking pictures of a werewolf attack victim, but it was about three months ago and he could be long gone."

"Well at least we have something to start with..." I shrugged. "Wait, if we call the Doctor, we could program the Tardis to search for graceless angels" I said.

"Are you sure that's a good idea, he still doesn't know you're alive" Sam said.

"He should be ok" I said, "grab my arm, this could be a bumpy ride" I said, holding my arm out. The boys grabbed it, and I spread my wings, focusing on getting them there safely. When I felt my feet hit solid ground I opened my eyes, finding my self back in the Tardis with the boys in tow. I smiled when I heard the door to the Tardis open. I turned around to NOT see the 11th doctor.

"Who are you" a young man with a Scottish accent said, his hand wrapped around a blonde's.

"Ten and Rose" I mumbled out. Oh my father, it's Ten and Rose, Ten and Rose, TEN AND ROSE! I mentally slapped myself. "Oh sorry, I'm someone from your future, I need to borrow the Tardis tracking system" I said, trying to keep my cool, which was really fucking hard when your 4th largest ship is fucking HOLDING HANDS right in front of you.

"My future?" he said. "Friend or foe?"

"Friends, definitely friends" I said.

"Um, then I guess you can" he said, hesitantly. I smiled and starting putting the chemical compounds and body signatures of Metatron into the Tardis. I pulled a lever and she buzzed, before making a dinging sound. I looked on the screen, to see a map of Wyoming, with a red dot on Moneta.

"Got it" I smiled, I turned to the Doctor and Rose, "thanks, and you guys are adorable together. And Doctor?"

"Yes?" He replied.

"Can- Can I touch your hair?" I asked. He raised an eyebrow at me before nodding slowly. I squealed and ran my fingers through his hair. "You also look lovely today Rose."

"Thank you?" Rose answered confused. I smiled and snapped my fingers, sending them to the floor.

"What was that for?" Dean asked.

"He isn't allowed to remember us" I said, holding my arm out to them again. They took my arm again and I flashed to the town of Moneta, Wyoming.


Sorry for the short chapter. Also TEN AND ROSE!!!

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