Alternate Plots

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These are some other plots I was thinking about for this book and a few alternate endings. I just thought it would be kinda interesting to see how differently this book could have been.

Plot 1: The boys would know she was still alive and try to summon her, but end up getting Evil!Tessa (a side effect of being brought back to life when she wasn't from that dimension). It was then going to be that Tessa fought her before absorbing her back. Then, they would fight over power of her body and nearly kill someone (Dean) in the process. I quickly ditched the idea as I had no idea where to take it + how to write two people talking to each other in her head while actual dialogue was going on.

Plot 2: Small adventures in other universes ex: DC Universe, Harry Potter, Marvel and others trying to collect these thingies to get back to the world of SuperWhoLock. The last item was going to be her grace, making her human. Then, she would live out her days as human in the SuperWhoLock world before she would be killed by a Dalek, sending her back to her dimension. It was going to be the crossover of all crossovers in the last scene with some insane fight. I only had like three universes in mind and they would have gotten way out of hand with characters I had no idea how to write.

Plot 3: While fighting some OP alien while pretending to be dead, Tessa would have reset everything to how it was before she arrived, no one remembered her. Another thing would be that it would be after Reichenbach Fall and Sherlock would have just have comeback, the Darkness would have been released, and it would be with Peter Capaldi as the Doctor (+Clara) The first few chapters would have been her on her own before the reset. I scrapped the idea due to no idea what the plot would have been.

Plot 4: The darkness would have been released and Tessa would have to come out of hiding to stop the 6 heroes in their most evil (darkest moment) forms. Souless Sam, Deanmon, Godstiel, and some undetermined form of the Doctor, John, Sherlock. And that was why I scraped the idea.

Ending 1: Back when the archangels were escaping from the cell I had originally planned for them to have to leave Tessa behind in the cell... It was supposed to be that when she had passed out from the torture she mumbled some creepy shit in her sleep and basically they thought that she was a threat and an abomination. Then, she was going to be tortured near the brink of death until she slaughters her way out of heaven. By killing a large amount of Angels she would have lost any humanity she had. The story was going to be Tessa's transformation from a hero to a murderer on a quest for revenge. It was likely going to end with the SuperWhoLock boys trying to stop her along with the archangels, and Tessa slaughtering all of them before turning her blade on herself.

Ending 2: Tessa and the archangels would have returned to heaven after she wakes up from the coma. Then, the darkness would be released and I would have made a Book 3 for the rest of that undetermined story. All I know is that I would have written the Doctor, Sherlock and John out by Tessa faking her death again...

Ending 3: After they had the binge watching every event there was going to be a crack in the universe. It would have formed from Tessa's effects on the time. The Angels would have died and Tessa would have sacrificed herself to seal it and removing an evidence of herself from the dimension.

That was strangely therapeutic... But yeah next is a message

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