Chapter 17

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We appeared in a bright room, with writing over the walls in some writing even I couldn't quite understand. When I tried, everything went blurry and my head started to pound. Underneath every little passage of writing there was a lever.

"Can you read any of this?" I asked turning to look at Lucifer.

"No, and I know every language," Luicfer replied, running his fingers across the writing. He looked at and winced, holding his head.

"Hurts for you to read it too?" I questioned, he nodded.

"Well we need to figure out what this says and quickly," he added. A bright idea popped into my head.

"I'll be right back, I need to go get someone," I explained before popping off. I appeared a certain person's heaven. Across the large auditorium I saw my target. I appeared next to him and grabbed his arm, just as he was about to start his acceptance speech.

"What the-?" Kevin began to ask before we reappeared in the lever room.

"Hi Kevin, it's an honor to meet you. I'm a big fan, I need you to translate this writing," I explained quickly.

"Who's this?" Lucifer asked.

"I'm Kevin Tran and I'm supposed to be dead," Kevin replied.

"You are still dead," I replied. "I'm Tessa by the way and that's-" I hesitated, "Uh... Stan." Lucifer gave me a strange look.

"Well uh Tessa and Stan, I'm not really a prophet anymore I lost that power when I died," Kevin said.

"Could you just try?" Lucifer asked.

"There are lives at stake here," I added. Kevin gave a nod and looked at the writing. He ran his fingers across the writing.

"Uh this one is about freezing heaven," he said after a few moments. I smiled.

"What luck! First one!" I exclaimed.

"So do I get to go back to my heaven now?" Kevin asked turning to me.

"Yeah, you kind of have to. Can't really have you running around heaven," I replied. I grabbed his arm and dropped him back off at what I assumed was the memory of his high school graduation. I returned to the room in seconds.

"Okay, once we pull this lever we'll have to get into Purgatory and out quickly. Bad things can happen when heaven is completely out of commission," Lucifer said, as he put his hand on the lever. I nodded and he pulled the switch. Red lights flashed before a strange stillness descending across the room. Every thing was completely, utterly silent.

"I think it worked," I said, my voice sounded weird, like it was flat. Lucifer nodded. I held Lucifer's hand tightly as we flashed into Purgatory. As soon as our feet touched the forest ground a rumbling echoed through the entire place.

"Well that's going to draw some attention," Lucifer commented. I nodded and right on cue three masses of black goo landed around us. They formed into a more human form.

"Well look what we've got here," one of the leviathans purred, pacing around us with the other two.

"Two little archangels," another one cooed. "Now what could bring our baby siblings here, with no defenses?"

"Just want to let off a little steam," I replied calmly. One leviathan laughed before the three of them started to close in on us. "Now!" I commanded. Dean and Benny fell from the trees, decapitating two of the leviathans. Lucifer and I ran at the remaining one, tackling it to the ground. A syringe appeared in my hand, but before I could get it into the leviathan it turned back to goo. The syringe rolled away. The leviathan reformed behind us. I quickly stood up and lunged at the leviathan. It liquified and I fell to the forest floor landing on a rock, sending pain through my back. I ignored the pain and jumped up. Lucifer puts his hands up and the mass of goo floated into the air turning into a sphere.

"Quick! I don't know how much longer I can hold it!" Lucifer grunted. I quickly moved to the sphere and injected a syringe into the goo. I watched, but nothing happened.

"It's not working!" I growled. I heard thuds and saw more creatures surrounding us.

"We'll handle them," Dean said, him and Benny moved efficiently taking out the monsters. I pulled another syringe out and pumped more into the black mass. Then, another and another and another, until I ran out. After a second had passed the black ooze began to pulsate. A loud heartbeat sound echoed through all of Purgatory. Then, the black mass exploded. I shielded my face as black goo splattered everywhere. I put my arm down to see a little bird-like creature that was glowing white. I bent down and picked it up. As my hand came in contact with it, power surged through me. I fell to my knees, clutching the tiny creature. Then, a vision washed through my head.

Bathe in the blood of blood-thirsty, heart-hungry and essence of the dead.

I opened my eyes to see Lucifer shaking my shoulder. I couldn't really hear what he was saying. I looked around me to see that all the creatures had disappeared. I shakily stood up, still clutching the creature. I looked down at it, snuggled up in my arms.

"We need to get of here now," Dean ordered, walking up to us. I nodded. Dean turned back to Benny giving him a guy hug before taking a hold of my shoulder. We got out of Purgatory as fast as possible and we ended up in front of the bunker to drop off Dean. We left quickly without a word.

"What is that thing?" Lucifer asked, looking at the creature in my arms. My vision was still blurry and my wings felt funny.

"I don't know, but it's so pure," I replied. The little bird untucked its head from under its wing and looked up at me. It shifted in my arms and spread its wings, landing on my desk.

"It looks like a phoenix," I commented. Lucifer nodded and moved towards it. It backed up before tilting its head at him.

"Should we name it?" Lucifer asked.

"Sure," I replied. "How about Fawks?"

"I think it's a girl," Lucifer replied. The bird nodded, before it flew and landed on Lucifer's shoulder.

"She seems to like you," I commented. Lucifer smiled as he gently petted her head.

"How about Helena?" Lucifer asked.

"Greek for bright or shining one," I added. "Yeah, I think that fits pretty well."


So that was the chapter! I hope you liked it! Also the story is beginning to draw to a close...

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