Blindfolded 0.1

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We are heading to a nightclub that Zay called me in to them , as we were heading there my phone ranged


I don't really have to time for Blaine knowing what of course Lily told him and how I 'misbehaved' because she is my mother and I have to be respectful and tell her where I am going and when I will be back. Fake. I know that nothing forever, I would say only Joey and I would , but I am honestly glad I am not with that liar. He lied so hard that I actually believed he loved me. I loved him. Maybe I still do. But I can't, not after I knew he got a girl pregnant and left her. I would have been that girl. I am so annoyed and I just feel stupid for actually caring about him. I was by his side everyday.

"Pretty eyes , wake up!" I hear a sound from back to the window. I opened my eyes and gave Cara a smile and beside her there was Zay, my first kiss after Joey, and it was pretty cool, and so I have to be as it is.
"Hey guys." Mari said. They all waved,
"I like what you wear." Joseph said, as Mari whispered 'Gay' in my ears. I giggled and mouthed 'Guessed so'. We both giggled and we enter, it a place full of lights in the air and the music is breaking the celling while the dancing bodies are breaking the ground. They are so many people dancing together, I don't even think they are together, I just think they dance on each other. There are few people on the bar and a group of people having a drinking competition, I giggled as a girl took a shot and kissed her friend. People here have nothing in their minds I bet. No lying, dead finance with his baby in someone's belly. No fake best friend who broke brother's heart. No stress with parents shouting about you failing. Life here is better. I can't really hear anything because the music is so loud, so they just take me by my hand as I am gloried by the place. We sat at the bar.

"So everyone has their check?" Mari said.
"Yeaah I prefer that as well" Cara agreed.
"Perrie, would you like to join me if you have a drop?" Mari asked me.
"What? No! I am totally fine, In fact, I have a thousand bucks in my bag right now" I giggled and for some reason everyone was looking dead serious at me, Mari giggled to throw the looks away.
I made my own check and we first order some tequila shots. Everyone 5 shots past each other. Zay and Xandu started then it was Marivesa and Jospeh, and it was mine and Cara's turn. At first, I felt like a hard rock drop in my brain, it's sour and spicy, in the beginning it tested like vomit but then, it was the most delicious thing ever. They all went dancing on the floor when myself and Cara where sitting down at the bar. I was so dizzy I couldn't open my eyes.
"Hey! How do you feel, pretty eyes?" She shouted as the music is getting louder.

How do I feel, well, probably dizzy, acidity inside my stomach, like my esophagus is dirty and it needs a soap and water to clean the hell of it. My body feel heavy and unstable, my mind is craving to find its light but I let it chill.

"Woah, pretty eyes, you still little. Only 10 shots of tequila and you look like that. Funny, you remind me of myself when I start drinking." She giggled.
"What? Noo ! I am totally okay!" I shouted so loud. She didn't believe me and I am just tired of being a little kid,
"You know what? I challenge you to blindfold me and you can order whatever drink you want and I will drink it all !" She agreed as she to off her headband and wrapped it around my eyes.

It's dark. All I can hear is music, and Cara whispering but actually shouting to the waiter to bring me a drink 'fulfill',

"You know, I could kiss you and you will never knew who did it?" She whispered.
"I can guess." I replied and I can feel her heat closer and closer to my lips. But then I feel a big cold glass in my mouth,
"You ready, pretty eyes?" She whispers as I open my mouth.

It's cold and icy, it's new. Who am I kidding? Everything is new. It's fast. It flows everywhere in my veins actually pushing the blood away. It feels like it is conquering on my body. But that's okay, it's testy. I am more thirsty to drink it again and again. I feel my heart bonding so much from the energy it's being produce. I can't keep my eyes open anymore, it's too heavy, slowly a black shadow covered my eyes and I can literally hear voices only. I try to push myself in and not be a coward. I am too easy to get drunk, and that's not good. Perrie few years ago won't have friends like those people, so I need to get used to it.

"How do you feel?" Cara asked.
"Wonder...full." I replied.
"That was 2 glasses you know that?" I nodded but actually I don't. Maybe that's why it's too much, but it shouldn't be too much. So I pull myself together.
"Shit, Xandu is tripping again." She said handing me a cigarette. The kind we smoked the other time. I took some breaths to crush my lungs wide open. I felt some back round in my stomach, like it's going to blow up. Do I need to throw up? Oh god. I ran as fast as I could to the bathroom. It's empty and weird because people should be here like me, throwing up. But hey, no one like you, I am soft and easy. I hold my hair up because their is no one here to hold it, I felt acidity all from my esophagus. After, throwing up, I found myself on the ground, trying to hold to the walls. I then laid myself on the wall, trying to take my breath.

Relax, relax. Close your eyes. No actually don't, maybe if you did, you will do forever. Then, open them widely, no don't open them widely, too dizzy, too dizzy. What happened to me? What is that I do? Am I wrong? Am I right? What am I doing to my life? Everyone is heading to college but I am here trying new types of drinks and drugs. I am soft. I am very, so soft, I know I miss him, I don't know why do I behave like that, I miss him so much. I miss his smell, his hands. I miss his eyes and his hug. I miss so little of him that means so much to me. I miss how he sounds and how he sarcasm, how he advices and listens. I miss the way he blush when someone says congratulations on your proposal. I miss the way he prepared everything to be great, I miss the way he surprised me, I miss the way he was open and emotional. I miss the way he loved me. I miss him loving me. There is this small hurt inside my heart that tries to let go and ignore the fact that he lied to me. The fact that he's no longer here, because if he just said that he didn't lie to me...I would believe him because I so want to believe him. I'm feeling like I have lost everything I gained in the past year, I can't stop loving him, stupid stupid me ! I feel the tears cold on my freezing face. What now? What will you do now? You blow everything up! You are still in love with him and you can't get over it! Loser !

Howdy! Hello People of the world, I worked really hard on this chapter and the chapter coming up next, I really hope you like it and you can feel it. This was the first scene I imagined throw out the story and I am so proud to finally express it to you guys! Don't Forget To Vote , Comment And Please Share It To Your Friends.
And I Will Hopefully See You And Your Beautiful Face Very Very Soon.😊☺️


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