Don't crash the mirror.

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Too bright, too loud, to pain. Joey? Is he okay?

I am not home. I have slept here tonight, my breath smells and my hair stinks, They are so much cups and cigarettes in the ground, avoiding the unsterile needles everywhere, I moved up, looking for my boots and my jacket, I look like a homeless drug addicted.
"Fresh morning, sleepy head" I found Xandu saying from upstairs, I tried opening my eyes, but I couldn't, I found Zay's sunglasses, I placed them, trying to walk like a toddler, I am unbalanced, I held my jacket to the back of my back.

"Did she go?" I said going out of the room.
"She is a mess." Xandu said.
"We were all like this at the first time, she will work it out." I held a cigarette to mouth letting Xandu lighten it.
"Where is my bra?" I asked. As he bought from the ground.
"I had a great time."
"Of course you did." I said. We both giggled.
"So what do you think about Perrie?" I questioned.
"She is a lonely girl, who has just lost her love of her life, confused about her college and was probably going to lose her best friend, troubles with the family maybe. You know the stuff, that gets up to sip those shit up." I smoked harder. Thinking about her, her life. What would bring as beautiful, smart like Perrie here...?
"What do you think?" He asked. I got up, getting dressed,
"I think she want to improve something or impress someone." I lead my cigarette to him leaving the barn.

I am moving in the streets and the looks never get old. Everyone around questioning and staring. They have every right tho, what the hell am I wearing? I stink and I look like I just had a one night stand.

I got home, let go of my jacket, and poured myself a cup of water,
"You came." Marivesa said.
"Hey. How are you now?" I asked.
"Oh no, I should ask you that, have you had fun with my friends? Did you care?"
"Stop being extra. We just hang out, you were the one who decided to go like a psychopath bitch."
"What has got into you? Look at yourself ! You look disturbing."
"What's wrong with you? Are you on your period or something? Chill !"
"What the hell is wrong? Your attitude is fucking disrespectful!"
"You sound like my mother, act your age."
"You know what? I actually thought you were something, someone who cares, you just turned out to be a cold hearted bitch who hangs out with my friends !" She went slamming the door.
I can't believe her, I already have headache in every nerve in my brain. I opened a beer and sipped on it, and then I took another one,

What were they talking about? What kind of tape were they talking about?

I took my jacket, and went to Joey's house. Everything smells like him. Every place we chatted.
I went straight to the drawers and the wardrobe,

Dear Chloe,
I feel so sorry for you, I am trying to make things better, I am very sick right now, and you were a huge part of my life and my character. I have always loved you but maintaining our relationship was going to be hard, I am so sorry I had to break up with you, I did read your letter you sent to Marivesa, but she have nothing to do with this. I am the one who you should be attacking. I want to be involved in whatever you decide to keep it or not, I will support you. You are a good person Chloe, stop threatening Marivesa, whatsoever decision you are to take, inform me and I will be by your side in the hardest times. Don't worry about your parents and think wisely.

All the love,

Is this for real? This is his handwriting. I can't believe it's true. Joey is a father and he never told me. I can't believe he lied to me.

I throw the drawer on the ground, all the sheets on the floor, every glass thing I throw it to be broken into million pieces, everything in the room, everything in the wardrobe, everything in the kitchen, everything on the walls, every flower he had, every table he owned and every chair were destroyed, my eyes were tearing with rain of pain and lose. Everything in the apartment should be devastated. Everything he loved should never get fixed. Every movie he liked, the television and the books he adored. I found a picture of us,
Liar. Lair. Why would he lie to me? I loved him ! He loved me ! We shared everything together, everything I loved was him. My whole life was about him. I stayed with him. I loved him more than my whole life. I let my pride down for him.

I took it, and aggressively throw it at the mirror. I let myself down on the floor, covered by so many memories we created and so much pain I received. My hands are bleeding but my heart is crashing. And I don't know what should I do. I stood up, looking for a location.

I moved to look for her. To find her and to know her. Apartment B3.
As she opened the door, I can see the fear in her eyes.
"How do you know Joey Frier?" I asked.
I moved in and I suddenly, there is nothing I feel.

Where am I?
"Mom? Dad? Lily?" I asked.
"Honey. I am so sorry." My mom said.
"What? Why am I here? Where am I?"
"Calm down, you are in the hospital, you were hit by somebody in the back of your head." The doctor came explaining.
"No I am fine. I have to go. What time is it?"
"Unfortunately you can't Miss John" The doctor said.
"No you don't understand, I have to go to my friends."
"You have to talk to the police first, love" My dad said.
"What the fuck?, why?" I asked.
"We found an amount of cocaine in your blood."
Oh my god. Are they going to arrest me? What do I do? Who hit me? Why did Chloe hit me? She know me.
"Honey, its okay, we know it's must be a misunderstanding." My mom said.
I have to go. I have to go. I have to go.
I slipped, running outside. I am running so fast, I can't catch my breath. Those stupid dress hospital uniforms. I am outside. I am still running.
I headed to the home and got dressed, there is no one home, Marivesa is not here. So I head to the barn.
"Who?" Xandu asked.
They opened.
"Do we know you?" Cara said.
Howdy ! Hello people of the world ! Too
many subjects in this chapter but it's fun. I am keeping it up no worries. Don't Forget To Vote , Comment And Please Share It To Your Friends.
And I Will Hopefully See You And Your Beautiful Face Very Very Soon.😊☺️


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