Sniff, sniff

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"What do you wish for?" He asked.
"Oh-Um..I actually don't know, I tried yesterday Heroine, but I wanted to try something."
"Have you snorted Cocaine?"
"What kind?"
"I don't know."
He giggled, "You are really new, aren't you." I laughed.
"I have powder Cocaine, I could use some company."
I followed him, at his spot, as we sat there, he bought out a pocket of white powder.
As he opened it,
"There are a lot of types you can take Cocaine, same as every other drugs, people think Heroine is only taken by the needle, which is wrong, because you can use it in Injection, smoking, insufflation, suppository."
"How do you know that?" He looked at me smiling,
"You are very smart."
I smiled, "I was a pharmacist, we got to learn those methods, actually we didn't, we studied them, and I had this extra wanting to know more and that's how I got here."
He got a book, and let out the powder on it,
"There is also a method called Oral, which is the least effective 'rush', so it's not really used."
"Is there other methods for Cocaine?"
"Of course, there are, there is recreational, which is like a small bottle, that you absorb by the needle, also sometimes, for the use of needle, we get a flat surface and add the powder on it, then we have water-"
"Then heat it, and sink it in the needle"
"Yes, you know stuff then."
"The basics" We both giggled, he got an ATM card and slowly separated the powders into lines,
"This is called, Insufflation, this is the most reliable method for cocaine, as it is snorted through the nose by about five minutes. This method lasts the longest, between 60 to 90 minutes. We intend to use hard surface so there won't be any 'bumps' they might be pleasant to others and unpleasant to others, so we slowly move our ATM card on them."
He acted as he talks,
"Then we sort them into rails, which are thin or thick lines, it depends on the person, blowing it."
He finished, looking proudly at what he has done, I smiled.
"That's amazing how you know those stuff."
"I was asked from my parents to work hard, so I did."
I laughed.
"How old are you?"
"If your question is 'Aren't you suppose to be at school now?' I am suppose to be in college by 2 weeks ago."
"And what happened?"
"I don't think it's worth it."
"You are deep."
"Thanks, I am not though, I just don't know if meeting another people, with lies all over their mouths is something I want to try again. People think we they change, but actually we just transfer from an age to another age with the same bullshit."
He nodded proudly.
"Ladies first?" He offered,
"You know how to do it right?" He asked.
"Watch and learn." I said, blocking one nose hole and leading down, I slowly breathed and moved my head forward as I sniffed away.
"Cocaine reaches the brain fastest." I nodded.
"So What brings you here?" He asked.
"Long story short, life sucks without gifts."
"I agree."
I sniffed one more. I intend to close my eyes to imagine how my life would be if we just have been always together.
"Do you have friends or family?" I asked.
"I have a wife, and a small daughter."
"Oh really? How old?"
"4 years"
"Wow, my sister, have a baby girl as well, it's the best thing that ever happened to her."
"I agree."
I sniffed a tall line, I can feel the vessel moving all over to the brain.
"What's her name."
"What's your daughter's name?"
"Um-I-I haven't seen her for a while, you know-um-I think it's-"
Oh my god. Did he just forget his daughter's name? Oh my god.
"I think its-it's something with B, because I love the B letter."
I sniffed more to stop him from talking. Would I be like him? Forgetting Lyla's name? My brother is Josh-
"Bethany? I guess"
Sniff, sniff, sister is Jess, no it's Jessica.
Sniff, sniff Lily is my best friend.
"Baile...I don't think it's Baile..-"
Sniff, sniff, I know someone called Vanessa- Austin-Marivesa
"I think it's Betty-"
Sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff-Joey...Joey!
"Woahh, are you okay?" He asked as I am coughing out my lungs,
"I am fine-" I am coughing more, what's wrong?
"I have a bathroom right in there, if you wish."
I nodded, holding to my nose.
As I looked into the mirror, I am bleeding.

What's happening? Is that normal? Have I caused myself a dangerous smelling issue now? What-what is this blood? Stop. Stop bleeding-stop-stop-bleeding, close your nose. Take a breath. I am dying. Stop-stop-bleeding-just stop-stop bleeding-stop-stop bleeding. Is this it? Have I overdosed? Am I going to die like this? I haven't said sorry to my family yet. Breath. Breath. Come on, come on now concentrate. Focus on your breathing. This doesn't seem happy. Why is this happening to me? Have I done it wrong? So what If I died now? I can't. I can't die like this. Focus now what do we do? Oh my god, it doesn't want to stop. Now stop. Stop. My shirt-my shirt is all blood. It's my blood. No no now open your eyes, focus now focus !

"Are you okay?"

Am I? What is happening to me? What is this? Is this blood? Blood on my hand? My own blood? Why isn't it stop? What's is going? I can't breath. Now stop-stop bleeding-stop-stop...stop bleeding...stop bleeding...stop blaming... stop blaming.
Howdy ! Hello People of the world! Hope you are getting into my story, so far. Thanks for reading my story, I am so proud from what I served to you. Don't Forget To Vote , Comment And Please Share It To Your Friends.
And I Will Hopefully See You And Your Beautiful Face Very Very Soon.😊☺️


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