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The car screeched to a halt, right in front of the house. A dark haired girl with green emerald eyes jumped out of the vehicle and slammed the door shut as she ran towards the house. Not long after, she emerged from the house, supporting a dark skinned girl as they made their way to the car. Two other girls were there as well. A tall Polynesian girl with long blonde hair helped to support the girl as they made their way to the car, while a petite Latina girl with dirty blonde hair rushed to open the door to the backseat. The tall blonde helped to bring the dark skinned girl into the car while the green eyed girl ran back to the driver's side and started the engine.

"Thanks for coming, Lauren," the blonde said as she sat in the back with the dark skinned girl, who was barely conscious.

"We gotta go," Lauren said when she saw flashing blue and red lights through her rearview mirror. Luckily, they were still far behind. The green eyed girl pulled out of the curb and drove off. The green eyed girl kept checking the rearview mirror as she drove.

"What happened in there, Dinah?" Lauren asked once they were in a reasonable distant from the house.

"Someone spiked her drink," said the blonde.

"Spiked? As in alcohol?"

"Spiked as in drugs," the petite girl said.

"She was roofied?!" Lauren exclaimed.

"Yeah," Dinah said, "Thank god Ally and I were there," she said.

"Yeah," Lauren said when suddenly, she saw someone in front of her and she slammed onto her breaks. The car came to a screeching halt and everyone in the car jerked forward.

"What the hell, Lauren?!" Dinah exclaimed as she held onto the semi-conscious girl to keep her from flying out of her seat.

Ignoring her, Lauren jumped out of her car and walked to the front to find a trembling brunette on the ground.

"Are you okay? Did I hit you?" Lauren asked but as she got closer, she saw that the girl was caked in dirt and what seemed to be blood.

"Holy shit!"

"H-help m-me," the girl stuttered.


"Ally! Call an ambulance!" Lauren exclaimed.

"No! P-please," the girl begged.


"Ambulance will take too long," the brunette said as she shook her head.

"Can you walk?"

The brunette nodded. Lauren put the girl's arm around her as she helped the girl up. She looked around and saw that the streets were empty. Where did she come from? Lauren walked towards the other side of the car and Ally took over as she helped the girl into the back of the car with the other two girls.

"Dinah, you got her?" Lauren asked as she got in the car. The tall blonde nodded as Lauren started the engine and drove straight to the hospital.

On the way there, Lauren kept checking her rearview mirror anxiously.

"How's Normani?" Lauren asked.

Dinah checked on the dark skinned girl, "Out cold."

"What about you?"

"I'm okay," the brunette said. Lauren nodded as she kept driving. She looked back up and noticed that the brunette was clutching to her side and she kept winching in pain. Lauren focused on the road as she sped up slightly.

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