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Things began to fall back into place. Camila was no longer haunted by her memories. She grew closer with her family and the girls. The bond between Lauren and Camila grew stronger as well. They were better than ever.

Camila also had a proper reunion with Hailee, despite Lauren's silent protests. But the green eyed girl wouldn't dare to come in between them. They did went through a great ordeal together. Lauren trusted Camila completely. She also trusted Hailee enough, since they both have a mutual concern for the brunette. After a week, Hailee parted ways with the two Latinas. She didn't leave Miami but she stayed close enough to keep a close watch. As far as Camila knows, Hailee was the only survivor of the Outsiders left. The girl never mentioned if there were others. But a part of her still wondered what became of Ariana since she last saw her.

Was she running?

Was she even alive?

She didn't know. She definitely didn't want to find out.


Camila sat on Lauren's bed, reading while Lauren sat on her desk, studying. They've stayed that way for 3 hours. Camila was beginning to feel bored while Lauren, frustrated. Camila looked at her girlfriend as Lauren tossed her pencil aside and buried her face in her hands. Camila stood up and stood beside her as she rubbed her back.

"Think it's time for a break," Camila said.

Lauren sighed as she ran her hands through her hair, "I'm not getting any closer to this."

"Let's see," Camila said as she sat on Lauren's lap as she looked at Lauren's book.

"Yup, you're not even close," Camila said. Lauren frowned.

"Thanks, Camz," she said sarcastically. Camila smiled as she kissed Lauren's forehead, just in between her eyebrows, "Don't frown or you'll get wrinkles on your forehead."

Camila picked up a pencil and began doing the math problem. Lauren wrapped her arms around Camila's waist as she rested her head on her back, near to the side so she could watch her write.

"There," Camila said as she finished. Lauren looked at her answer and checked the answer booklet.

"What the fuck?"

Camila giggled as she shifted herself so she could look at her, "Some of the Outsiders were freakin geniuses. Hailee included."

"They taught me a thing or two," Camila said. Lauren raised her eyebrows, impressed. The brunette shrugged, "I'm a fast learner."

"Are you sure you don't want to go back to school?" Lauren asked, "I mean you're practically as smart as me," she said.

"Maybe even smarter."

"I don't think I want to handle the stress of school," Camila said, "I don't think I can."

Lauren looked at her girlfriend as she let out a loud sigh.

"I can't go back, Lauren," Camila said, "It's been way too long."

"What about getting your GED?"

Camila raised her eyebrows, "You can do that?"

"Yeah, you can graduate even without finishing school. If you pass, you can go to college if you want."

"And you know all this... How exactly?" Camila asked.

"I read it somewhere, no big deal."


"I..." Lauren looked into Camila's eyes and sighed, "I wanted to see if it was possible for you to go back to school. If not, then I wanted to see if there was alternatives."

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