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Camila was sitting in her room, dying of boredom. It's been almost a month since she's been home. Her mother has made progress in terms of accepting her. Camila's wounds were healed, leaving a nasty scar from the stab wound. The brunette still hadn't gone for therapy despite doctor's orders. She wasn't ready to open up about what happened. At least, not to a stranger.

Lauren, on the other hand, had managed to get closer to the brunette. A part of her wanted to believe that it was because the green eyed beauty cared about her more than just a friend but another part knew better. Especially after what she had overheard the other day at Lauren's.

Maybe she was delusional to think that she might have a shot with her. Camila didn't even know if Lauren liked girls or not. All she knew was that she was falling for her. Fast.

There was a knock on the door. Camila let out a huff as she got up and dragged her feet to the door to answer it. She gave a small smile when she saw her mother behind it.

"Mom, for the last time, I'm not going for therapy."

"It's either therapy or school. Your choice, mija," Sinu said.

Camila sighed as she gave in.


Camila sat on the couch in the office as she stared at the ticking clock. It's been one minute and the silence is driving her insane. Camila looked over at her therapist, Dr Kendrick, who just sat on her chair, watching the brunette intently.

"If the silence is driving you mad, you should break it, don't you think?" Dr Kendrick asked.

"I'm not gonna tell a complete stranger about my life."

Dr Kendrick smiled, "Fair enough."

"What do you want to talk about?"

"I know what you're doing," Camila said.

"What exactly do you think I'm doing?"

"You're trying to trick me into talking," Camila said, "Well, it's not gonna work."

"You're talking right now," she said, "So I say it's working pretty well."

Camila groaned in annoyance as she rolled her eyes. She looked back at the ticking clock as she chewed on her fingernails nervously.

"How long do these things usually last?" Camila asked.

"An hour."

"Great," Camila muttered sarcastically.

"You don't have to tell me about what happened while you were away," Dr Kendrick said, "You don't have to tell me if you're not ready."

"But we are gonna be stuck here together for an hour, everyday. So we have to talk about something."

Camila glanced at her before looking away.

"Tell me about when you got home. What was it like?"

"Hell," she muttered.

"Must be hard."

Camila chuckled sadly, "It is."

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