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Her heart was pounding in her chest. Her grip on the chair was so tight that her knuckles turned white. Her breathing was shallow. She felt as if she was about to pass out. It's been hours.

"Okay, I'm done," Dinah said as she set down the liquid liner on the table.

Camila took a deep breath as she stood up, eyes still shut. Dinah held her by the shoulders as she led her to the mirror.

"Okay Mila, open your eyes," she said.

Camila slowly opened her eyes and she couldn't believe what she was seeing. She actually looked good. Her make up was simple, just some powder, blush, winged liner and mascara. But it worked. She wore a simple white dress with black heels. She also used one of Lauren's chokers around her neck. Camila was in awe. She was surprised at how well Dinah covered her scars.

"Wow," she heard Lauren say from behind her.

Camila turned around and gave her a shy smile. Lauren looked at her from head to toe.


Camila blushed, "You said that already."

Lauren smiled, "Yeah but now I understand the difference between pretty and beautiful," she said as she approached her.

"And you look beautiful," she said, "More than usual."

Camila blushed.

Lauren was about to say something else when Dinah cut in, "Alright you lovebirds, you can continue this later," Dinah said.

"Lauren, you and I still need to get dressed and our make up isn't even done," Dinah said.

"Ally and Normani are ready and are waiting downstairs," Lauren said to Camila. The brunette smiled and nodded before she walked down. Lauren shut the door behind Camila before turning to Dinah.

"You did a really good job with her, DJ," Lauren said.

"Pfft, bitch I know," Dinah said, grinning.


"Mila, you look beautiful," Ally said.

Camila smiled, "You think?"

"Oh girl, absolutely," Normani said.

"Can I tell you guys something?" Camila asked, "I'm really scared to go to prom."

"What? Why?" Ally asked.

Camila shrugged, "It's just that... I've never been to like... A high school event in like two years."

"And I'm just worried about what people might think," she said, "You know, that me and Lauren are together?"

"Honey, there's nothing to worry about," Normani said, "People don't care if you're gay, straight, trans or whatever label or category you fit into."

"At least not in our school," she added.

"Just be yourself, Mila," Ally said, "And you'll be fine."

Camila smiled as she hugged the two girls, "I love you guys."

"We love you too."

Camila pulled away and said, "Oh by the way, you two look gorgeous."

Ally wore a tight black dress that hugged her body and compliments her figure and her cleavage, her hair was in a tight pony tail and the outfit was finished off with a pair of black heels.

Normani, on the other hand, wore a beautiful red dress with a deep neckline to show off her cleavage. The dress complimented her figure and there was a long slit down the dress to show off her leg. To top off her look, her hair was straightened and she work a simple pair of black heels.

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