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It was a quite weekend. Camila was home alone while her parents were out with Sofi. Camila set her book down as she smiled to herself. Biting her bottom lip, she dialed her girlfriend's number and invited her over. Camila was just about to continue reading when she heard the door bell. She got up and walked down the stairs to answer the door.

Camila smiled as she opened the door, "That's fast."

Lauren smiled back as she shrugged, "What can I say? I missed my girlfriend," she said as she gave Camila a sweet kiss on her lips before taking off her jacket.

"So your folks are out?" the green eyed girl asked as she tossed her jacket onto the couch before flopping onto it herself.

"Yeah," Camila said as she sat beside her, "My parents took Sofi out for the weekend."

"And you didn't go with them?"

"I've been away for so long. I just wanted to stay put in one place for now," Camila said. Lauren smiled as she took Camila's hands and kissed her knuckles.

"Well, I'm glad I'm here with you."

Camila smiled widely, "Me too."

"So, what do you want to do?"

Camila shrugged, "I mostly just wanna chill. Read a book, y'know?"

"So why do you need me for?"

Camila frowned, "I'm sorry. I just didn't want to be alone," she said looking away.

"Camz," Lauren said as she pulled the girl closer, "I'm just kidding."

"I'm sorry, babe," Lauren said sincerely.

Camila gave her a small smile as she shook her head, "It's okay."

Lauren wrapped her arms around Camila's waist as she held her close, "So whatcha reading?"


Camila's head was resting on Lauren's lap as the brunette read "Paper Towns" by John Green. Lauren was aimlessly scrolling through Tumblr on her phone. Camila set her book down and looked up to find the green eyed girl so focused on her phone. She was frowning as scrolled through her phone.

"Getting a little worked up, aren't you?" Camila asked, which caught her girlfriend off guard and snapped her back to reality.

Lauren looked down and chuckled slightly, "The world is a fucked up place, filled with fucked up people."

"Aren't we one of those people?"

Lauren looked at her girlfriend softly as she played with Camila's fingers.

"Maybe," Lauren said.

Camila looked at their hands as Lauren interlaced their fingers. Lauren let out a breath before meeting Camila's gaze. They stared at each other for a moment. Camila reached out and lightly brushed her fingers on Lauren's cheek.

"What are you thinking?" Camila asked in a faint whisper.

"It's just that..."

Lauren smiled softly, "As fucked up as we are," she paused as she cupped Camila's cheek, "We still managed to find each other."

Camila smiled, "That we did."

Lauren leaned in as Camila lifted herself up, using her elbow to support and kissed her lips softly and slowly. Camila parted her lips as Lauren lightly bit on Camila's bottom lip. Lauren pulled away as she stared at Camila. The brunette sat up as she licked her lips. She bit her bottom lip as Lauren cupped her face. Lauren's thumb ran over Camila's bottom lip as leaned in and hovered above her lips. Camila's heart was beating against her chest as Lauren captured Camila's top lip in hers, then her bottom, slowly. Camila parted her lips as Lauren's tongue entered her mouth, tasting her before pulling away. Lauren bit her lip as she waited for her girlfriend to open her eyes. Camila was in a daze while Lauren just looked at her shyly.

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