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The End

They fell into a comfortable routine. Hailee would stay at the "Command Centre" and guide them through their operations, Austin and Justin would gather and lead some people for the "hunt" while Nick waits for the signal to come in as backup. Camila would often help here and there with whatever she can. She mostly do inventory with Ariana, to see how much supply they have left.

It was nice, being a part of something. Camila almost forgot about her deal with them. Of course, she couldn't. One day, everyone returned injured. The communications were down for a few seconds and the last thing they heard were gunshots. Thankfully no one died but the best runners were badly wounded and they were still short on supply.

"Alright listen up," Austin shouted, "We're short on manpower and we need volunteers to gather the supplies."

"Wait, you're still going out there?" a girl asked.

"You'll get killed," Ariana said, "It's a miracle anyone survive that operation but I'm not sending anyone until it's safe."

"If we don't get those supplies today, it'll take a long time till we can get more. We'll be dead by then," Austin argued back.

"No, I will not allow it," Ariana said firmly and chaos erupted as people argued back and forth.

Camila let out a sigh as she rolled her eyes. She walked towards Justin, grabbed his metal bat from his hand and slammed it against a metal pillar and a loud ringing sound caused them to stop arguing.

"We need those supplies or we're all dead. We have to go back," Camila said as she tossed the bat back to Justin, "I'm going."

"No way, Mila," Hailee spoke, "It's too dangerous."

"I didn't ask for your permission," Camila said back.

Hailee blinked in shock. Though it was nice there, all the time spent away from her home and that stupid deal she made with them, Camila learnt to toughen up. It was either kill or be killed. And she was not about to throw away her life, even though she's risking her life for the Outsiders.

"Fine," Hailee said, "I'm coming too."

"Then no one will be at the command centre," Ariana said.

"We've done this a thousand times. We've never had a communication failure until today. It's useless now."

"Fine then," Ariana said, "Go."

Hailee, Camila, Justin and Austin then jogged towards the "Garage" and got into the truck.


Austin pulled up the truck at a gas station. So far, gathering the supplies the second time around, wasn't so bad. Everyone was on high alert but they managed to get in and out. In the middle of their journey back, the truck was running low on gas so they had another truck come by to transport the goods. The four stuck around to get gas and maybe a treat for the Outsiders. He turned around and looked at the people in the backseat.

"You guys know what to do right?" Austin asked.

Camila nodded, "Go in, take what we need and get the hell out of there."

"We have 15 minutes, people! Make it count," Austin said, "LET'S GO!!"

Austin, Hailee, Camila and Justin ran out of the truck. Austin quickly went to fill up the tank with gas while the other three went into the store. They quickly grabbed what they needed but before they could even get to the counter, they heard a gunshot rang out. Hailee and Justin ducked for cover. Camila quickly got down and crawled towards the door to see what had happened. Her eyes widened when she saw a man standing over Austin's lifeless body, with blood on the floor. Her eyes widened when the man spotted her. They found her.

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