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Lauren was waiting by her car, in front of the hospital. She checked her watch and frowned. Camila was late. Lauren walked into the building and walked up to the reception desk. She was about to ask about her girlfriend when she heard her name being called. She looked up and saw Dr. Kendrick walking towards her.

"Lauren, I'm surprised to see you here," she said.

Lauren gave her a confused smile, "Um, I'm always here to pick up my girlfriend."

"Right, how is Camila by the way? I haven't seen her in a while," she said. Lauren frowned in confusion.

"Wait, what?"

"How long are we talking about?"

"A couple of weeks," Dr. Kendrick said, "She's been doing really well and she only needs to come once or twice a month," she said.

"I assumed you knew," she said as she furrowed her eyebrows.

Lauren's eyes widened, "I gotta go," she said before she ran out of the building, got into her car and sped off.

She didn't know what to do or what to think so she did the only thing she knew when a situation arises. She drove and drove, all around Miami to clear her mind. As she drove, her phone buzzed. Lauren stopped at a red light as she checked her phone.

Babe, where are you? Call me.

Lauren sighed as the light turned green and she started driving again. Her phone buzzed again.

I'm serious, Laur. I'm getting worried. Call me.

Her phone buzzed again.


Lauren grabbed her phone and called her girlfriend and put it on speakers. She fumbled with her phone before she accidentally dropped it.

"Fuck," Lauren muttered.

"Hello? Lauren?"

"Camz, hang on," Lauren said as she tried to reach for her phone. She grabbed her phone and was about to answer when she saw a car speeding towards her.

"Shit!!" Lauren grabbed the wheel and spun it to avoid collision, her car spun and slammed into a pole. Her airbags deployed upon impact.

"Lauren? Lauren!"



Lauren's eyes fluttered open. She found herself in the hospital, hooked up to machines with wires and tubes all around. She winched when she felt her body ache as she tried to sit up.

"You're awake!!"

Lauren looked at the person who spoke, "Um, hi?"

"Hi?" she laughed lightly, "You just had an accident and the first thing you say to me is hi?"

Lauren gave her a confused smile, "Then what else am I supposed to say?"

"I don't even know anymore," she laughed. Her face fell as her laughter faded out.

"You scared the crap out of me, Jauregui," the brunette said as she took Lauren's hand in hers.

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