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It was crazy how the universe works. The two girls lived across the street from each other but never once talked to each other. But even though they never talked, Camila had always admired Lauren from afar. She didn't even know her but she felt intrigued. She felt drawn to her. The two years she was away, she had forgotten about that green eyed beauty. But there she was, standing in front of her, smiling bashfully.

"You wanna come over?" Lauren asked.

Camila looked away, unable to suppress the smile on her face.

"You know, I'd love to but my mom's probably freaking out right about now," she said as she giggled.

Lauren chuckled as she nodded, "Some other time then."

"Yeah," Camila nodded.

"Can I..." Lauren cleared her throat, "Can I hug you?"

"I mean I don't really know if there are boundaries or..." Lauren trailed off when she saw Camila tilting her head slightly.

"I mean usually I hug my friends.. I don't know if you're comfortable with it, but then again, you did hug me at the park but I was caught off guard, I-"

Camila couldn't help but giggle at the rambling girl. She took a step forward before wrapping her arms around Lauren's neck and shut her eyes as she took in her scent. Lauren smiled softly to herself as she hugged her back, pulling her in closer.

"I'll see you soon, Lauren," Camila whispered before pulling away. She gave the green eyed girl a smile before walking back to her house.

Lauren watched as the girl entered her house. She let out a sigh as she turned her heels and walked towards her front door.


"Camila?" she heard her mother call her. Camila rolled her eyes as she let out a loud sigh.

"Yeah, mom?"

"Can I have a word?" Sinu asked as she walked towards her daughter.

"What's up?"

"I want to talk about what happened today-"

"I'm fine, mom! Can't you just drop it and move on?" Camila asked.

"I'm worried about you, mija," Sinu said, "You're tense and jumpy and you could've hurt your sister-"

"I didn't mean to," Camila said in defense, "She shouldn't have come up to me like that."

"What happened to you while you were away?" Sinu asked.

Camila looked at her mother. She saw the worry and the sadness in her eyes. The brunette suddenly felt sick. Instead of answering her, she walked past her and went up to her room, only to find her sister, sitting on her bed.

"Sofi... Hi," Camila said awkwardly.

Sofi looked at her, "I know you didn't mean to scare me and that's okay," the little Cabello said.

"You've been through a lot and being home scares you. So it's okay," she said as she hopped off the bed and walked towards her before wrapping her arms around Camila's hip.

"I still love you, kaki."

Camila felt her heart swell when she heard that. She pulled her sister away as she knelt down so that she could hug her properly.

"I love you too, Sof," Camila said through the tears.


Lauren took off her jacket as she walked into her room. She tossed the leather jacket onto her bed as she walked towards the desk and started up her laptop. "Can't Feel My Face" by The Weeknd started playing from her laptop. She grabbed a book and sat on her bay window. She looked through the window and saw Camila, looking down. Her hair was in a messy bun and she was dressed comfortably with an old t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. Lauren smiled when she saw the brunette talking to her sister.

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