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Camila's eyes fluttered open as she stirred awake. She rubbed her sleepy eyes as she looked at her alarm clock. It was 11 in the morning. Strange. She hadn't been able to sleep for that long without waking up in the middle of the night. She felt something shift on the other side of her bed. She turned around and she was faced with a sleeping Lauren. Her heart skipped a beat. They were inches away from each other. So close that Camila could see Lauren's freckles. The dark haired girl looked so peaceful when she's sleeping. Was she the reason why Camila was able to sleep that night? Camila wondered.

She reached out and lightly traced Lauren's face as she moved some strains of hair away.

"Why did you stay?" Camila whispered to herself.

Camila froze when Lauren stirred in her sleep. Camila looked at her as Lauren nestled up against the pillow.

"You're staring," Lauren said, her eyes still shut.

Camila blinked out of her trance as took back her hand and blushed, "I wasn't-"

"I was just-"

"Staring," Lauren said as she opened her eyes and met Camila's gaze. The brunette's breath hitched when she saw that Lauren's eyes looked almost blue. Camila felt a tug at her lips as she saw the small grin from the dark haired girl.

"Admiring," Camila corrected her as a smile crept onto her lips.

"What's there to admire?"

"You're beautiful."

Lauren blushed as she chuckled lightly, "Using my own line against me, huh Cabello?"

Camila giggled as she hid her face in her pillow shyly. She looked back up and bit her bottom lip, "I'm surprised you stayed."

Lauren looked at her, "Why wouldn't I?"

Camila shook her head, "Most people wouldn't."

Lauren smiled, "I'm not like most people."

"I'm glad," Camila said as she took her hand.

The door flew opened and the two girls quickly sat up. Camila wasn't surprised when Lauren pulled her hand away but it still hurt.

"What do you want, mom?" Camila asked.

"I was worried that-"

"What? That I'd run?"

Sinu crossed her arms, "It's not the first time."

"I um, I think I should go," Lauren said as she got of the bed.

"I think it's best," Sinu said.

Lauren looked back at Camila.

"You don't have to go, you know?" Camila said as she took Lauren's hand. Lauren gave her a small smile.

"I'll see you soon, Camila," Lauren said as she pulled away. She gave Sinu a small nod before walking out.

"What the hell, mom?" Camila asked, "Why are you so against me being friends with Lauren?"

"She almost ran you over," Sinu pointed out.

"She saved me!" Camila retorted.

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