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"Lauren fucking Jauregui!!"

Lauren chuckled, "Hello to you too, Dinah," as she kept her books into her locker. The tall blonde walked up to her and frowned.

"When were you going to tell me that you and Mila... You know??"

"Fucked?" Dinah said in a hush tone.

"Um never?" Lauren said as she shut her locker door and started walking. Dinah quickly caught up and walked beside her.

"What? Why?"

"Because what I do with my girlfriend is none of your business," Lauren said.

"Ah ha! You said girlfriend! That's another thing you didn't tell me!!" she exclaimed.

"You're exaggerating, Hansen."

"I wouldn't be if you told me, Jauregui," Dinah mocked.

Lauren stopped in front of her class door, and looked at her friend in annoyance, "Look, I'm sorry I didn't tell you but it didn't seem like it mattered," she shrugged.

"I mean you've already referred to her as my girlfriend so I didn't think it mattered."

"Well, it mattered," Dinah said as she walked into the class. Lauren let out a sigh as she called out to her.

"Dinah," she said as she walked towards her and took her seat, which was beside her.

"What can I do to make it up to you? I'll do anything."

"Tell me what happened between you and Camila?"

"Absolutely not," Lauren said with a straight face.

"You said anything!!"

"Not that, you perv!"

Dinah rolled her eyes as she let out an annoyed groan. She was about to say something when she saw someone approach them.

"Can I help you?" Dinah asked.

The girl had long dark brown hair, done in soft curls, hazel eyes and a sweet smile.

"Um, hi," she said, "Are you Lauren Jauregui?"

Lauren furrowed her eyebrows slightly in confusion as she looked at her, "Yeah? And you are?"

"I heard you were the one who found Camila Cabello? And brought her home? Is that true?" she asked.

Lauren looked at Dinah as she shifted uncomfortably in her seat, "Um, who are you?"

"Oh, sorry," she said, "I'm Hailee."

"I'm the one who found her when she ran," she said. Lauren's face fell as she exchanged a confused but panicked look with Dinah.

"And um, what are you doing here, Hailee?" Dinah asked.

"Oh, I'm a transfer," she said.

"Oh," Dinah said as she looked at Lauren.

"Settle down, class," their teacher said as he walked in.

"If you want, we could talk more after school," Hailee said, since they only had one more period before school ended. Lauren nodded in agreement as Hailee took a seat in front of her.

Lauren turned towards her friend, silently asking for help but the girl just shrugged. Lauren took a deep breath as she tried to focus on the lesson.

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