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Several shots were fired. Camila dropped on the ground as she took cover. She shut her eyes as glass shattered around her and scattered about. Camila kept her feet and arms in to avoid getting shot. Why was this happening to her? She saw a blurry figure approaching her as she heard a muffled voice, calling out to her.


The brunette jolted awake as she jumped to her feet and grabbed the first thing she saw to use it as a weapon, which happened to be a penknife. She dropped the penknife when she saw her frighten little sister, crying.

"Sofi... I.. I'm sorry," she said as she ran into the bathroom and locked herself in.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid," Camila said to herself, over and over again as she paced back and forth. She looked at her reflection. Her eyes were red, her skin was pale and there were dark circles under her eyes. She saw herself as weak and utterly pathetic.

"Shut up," she said to her reflection.

"Get it together, Cabello! What's wrong with you?"

Shut up.

"You could've hurt Sofi!"

Shut up.

"What if you hurt..."

"SHUT UP!!" Camila let out a loud scream as she punched the mirror. The mirror cracked. As Camila retracted her hand, tears streamed down her face as she looked at her reflection. Broken. Just like her. She didn't care that her hand was throbbing. She didn't care that her hand was bleeding. She didn't care that she felt pain.

She needed to feel pain because then she knew that she was alive. Camila slid down on the floor and began sobbing. Not long after, she heard muffled screams of her parents through the door. Camila looked up at the ceiling as she took a few deep breaths as they opened the bathroom door. She heard her mother gasp. She looked at her parents and burst into tears.

"I'm s-sorry," she said as Sinu ran out to get the car while Alejandro carried her daughter down.


"What do you think is going on over there?" Dinah asked as she looked through the window.

"Seems like someone's in a hurry," she said as she saw a car sped by.

"I don't know, Dinah. I don't know half of the shit that happens here," Lauren said.

"So, what do you want to do today?" Dinah asked.

"I was thinking about going to the park. To think," Lauren said.

"About what?" Dinah raised her eyebrow, "Does it have to do with a certain brunette?" she asked teasingly.

Lauren grinned as she threw a pillow at her, "Shut up."

"Can't I go to the park to think about life?"

"No, you can't cause that sounds depressing," Dinah said.

"Whatever, Hansen," said the green eyed girl.

"While you go and think about the girl you're obviously crushing on," Dinah paused as Lauren threw another pillow. Luckily, she managed to dodge it.

"Okay, rude," she said, "Anyways, I'm gonna go hang with Normani."

"Have fun," Lauren said, "Tell her I said hi."

"Will do," Dinah said with a wink before she walked out of Lauren's room.

The green eyed let out a sigh as she walked over and sat at her bay window and looked at the sky. It was peaceful. Lauren smiled to herself but then something caught her attention. The house across the street. The curtains were normally drawn close but now they were open. Lauren could see the warm shade of yellow on the wall and an acoustic guitar was hung there. It's been a long time since someone occupied that room.

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