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A/N: This chapter may cause anxiety. Writing it already made me feel like I was having an attack. So please be careful. If you need to step away, please do so. On with the chapter...

The Beginning

It was supposedly normal day. Camila was trying to push past everyone in the crowded hallway. No one saw her so they kept bumping into her. She was shoved left and right but she's used to it. At least, that's what she kept telling herself.

Camila kept her head down as she walked on. She happened to bump into the last person she wanted to see; Lexa, the school's IT girl. The petite brunette was soon surrounded by Lexa's bitches. She had nowhere to run.

"Please, I'm s-sorry," Camila said as she kept her head down. Lexa walked towards her and stood in front of her. The close proximity made her intimidating so Camila just looked away.

"Oh Karla, did you think you could get away that easily?"

"Please, Lexa," Camila said timidly, "I-I never did anything to you."

"P-please, let me go."

Lexa blinked, "You didn't do anything? Are you blind or are you stupid?"

"My boyfriend dumped me because of you!"

"It's not my fault," Camila said as she shook her head furiously.

"He dumped me for you but you don't even care," Lexa huffed, "What the fuck's wrong with you?"

"I don't like him, Lexa! You can have him! I don't want him!"

Lexa took a step back, surprised at Camila's sudden outburst. She raised her eyebrow as she smirked while the brunette looked down.

"Now, Karla, you're either lying or you're hiding something," Lexa said as she pursed her lips, "Which is it?"

Camila didn't say anything. She didn't even look up. Lexa lifted Camila's head up by her chin so that she could see Camila's eyes. Lexa smirked when she saw the fear in her eyes.

"Are you afraid of something, mija?"

"P-please leave me alone," Camila said as she looked back down, "I'm s-sorry."

"Look at me," she demanded. Camila looked up nervously and blushed at the closeness. For a split second, her gaze dropped to her lips before looking back up. Lexa smirked as if she knew. As if she had figured the girl out. Camila's eyes widened with fear as she looked away. Lexa took a few steps back and let the brunette go. Camila was shocked to say the least but she didn't want to stick around for Lexa to change her mind so she ran.


The next day, shit happened. Camila was walking down the hallways, very aware of her surroundings. Instead of bumping into her like they always do, people stared at her as they moved aside. Camila could hear soft whispers all around. That wasn't good.

She stopped when Lexa and her bitches walked right up to her, smirking as if they knew a huge secret. Camila's heart pounded against her chest.

Please no...

When Lexa opened her mouth, Camila swore that she would pass out then and there. She couldn't hear, except for the loud ringing in her ears. Everything moved so slow but her heart was ready to burst out of her chest or stop altogether. Her chest was tightening, she couldn't breathe as she stumbled away. Everyone was staring at her but her vision was blurry. Her eyes started to burn. Camila lost her footing, causing her to slam against the lockers. She was suffocating. She felt like she was drowning, where the pressure on her chest was too much. She moved away from the lockers and stumbled out of the school building before running all the way back home.

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