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Camila was sitting on her bed, reading a book when her phone buzzed on her nightstand. She reached out and smiled when she saw Lauren's name on the screen.

"Hey beautiful," Lauren's voice spoke on the other line.

"Hey," Camila said as she blushed lightly, "What's up?"

"So, my folks are having a barbecue this weekend," Lauren paused, "You should come," she said casually.

"Hmm, tempting," Camila said, "But I have a date."

"Really? With who?"

"My bed," Camila said. The brunette heard Lauren chuckle on the other line.

"We're in a committed relationship," Camila continued.

Lauren laughed, "I'm sure."

"But seriously though, I wouldn't want to intrude-"

"Oh you won't," the girl said as she cut her off, "It's a family thing... Tradition, if you will."

"We have a barbecue at the end of every month. Family and friends are invited. We'd eat and talk and have a good time."

"We didn't get to do it last month because it was a crazy month but we're doing it this month," Lauren rambled on.

"Normally, it'd just be me and my girls but I," she paused, "I really want you to come."

"What makes me so different from the girls?" Camila asked.

"I don't have feelings for them, unlike with you."

Camila smiled, "Well played, Jauregui."

"So what do you say, Camz? It'll be fun," Lauren said as she tried her last attempt to convince the brunette.

"I'll think about it," Camila said, "That's all you're getting."

"I'll take it," Lauren said.

Camila shook her head as she hung up her phone. She got up and looked through her window and saw Lauren with her hand pressed against the glass of her window. Camila raised her hand and pressed her palm against her window in a similar action.

"So close," Lauren said.

"Yet so far," Camila said.

They couldn't hear each other but they knew what each other said. It was a strange bond between the two girls. Sometimes they need not utter a single word and the other would understand completely what they were feeling or trying to say. It felt... Special.

Camila smiled as she shook her head before backing away from the window.


The days flew by and soon, it was the day of the barbecue. Lauren happily greeted her friends and family as she answered the door. An hour in, and still no sign of the brunette. Lauren let out a sigh as she made her way to the backyard, where everyone was.

Lauren was grabbing a drink when her friends approached her.

"Hey guys," Lauren greeted as she opened up a can of Pepsi and took a sip of the fizzy drink, "How's the barbecue so far?"

"Where's Camila?" Dinah asked, instead of answering her question.

"I don't know," Lauren said with a shrug.

"Aren't you her girlfriend or something?" the tall girl asked.

"She's not my girlfriend."

"But she's still a friend," Dinah said, "So why isn't she here?"

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