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The Aftermath

Lauren's leg was bouncing up and down anxiously as she checked her phone for the tenth time. Still nothing. It's been weeks since the brunette told her about her story. Since then, Camila had completely shut her out. She shut everyone out. Even her family. No one could reach her. No one except Dinah. But Lauren held on. She didn't want to force her into anything so she waited and waited. There was no way she was giving up on her.

Lauren stood up from her desk when she saw movement in Camila's room through her window. She walked towards her window to take a closer look. She saw a glimpse of something before her buzzing phone distracted her.

She's asking for you.

Lauren's heart skipped a beat. She took a deep breath as she sent a quick reply before heading out.


"Be careful," Dinah whispered just before Lauren could enter the room. Lauren nodded at her friend before she carefully turned the knob and opened the door.


Lauren shut the door behind her as she walked towards the brunette cautiously.


When she got closer, what she saw broke her heart. Camila was pale, the colors were drained from her face. She looked like she had lost weight significantly. Her eyes were bloodshot and there were dark circles under them.

"Oh Camz," Lauren said quietly as she got onto her knees and stared at the girl she loved, "What did you do?"

"I thought... It was supposed to be okay," she said as she stared at the floor.

"It is okay, Camz-"

"Is it?!" Camila snapped as she looked up and met Lauren's gaze. Lauren felt her heart drop in her chest. Her sharp gaze made the green eyed girl feel small and powerless.

"Because I don't feel like it is," she said, "I was supposed to feel relieved! Like a fucking weight has been lifted and I could breathe again!"

"I was supposed to be able to sleep again without worrying where I'll end up when I open my eyes!"

"I was supposed to feel... SOMETHING!!" Camila exclaimed as she stood up from her bed. The blood rushed to her head and her vision became blurry. Camila could only see a bright white flash before her knees gave way. Lauren quickly got onto her feet and caught the brunette before her hit the ground.

"Camila," Lauren said quietly as she gently brushed Camila's hair away from her face.

"I was supposed to feel safe. I wasn't supposed to feel pain."

Tears filled Lauren's eyes when she heard how broken Camila was.

"I'm so sorry you went through this alone," Lauren said as she cried.

"But you are safe, Camila," Lauren said as she pulled her in closer, "You're surrounded by people who love you and we'd do anything to protect you."

"No one's going to hurt you, Camz," Lauren said, "Not while I'm around."


After Camila had calmed down, she finally drifted to sleep. Lauren set her on the bed and stayed as she kept an eye on her. She heard the door open and saw Dinah. Lauren quietly removed herself from the brunette as stood up and walked out of the door, shutting it behind her.

"We need to take her to the hospital," Dinah said.

Lauren nodded in agreement, "Yeah I know."

"She's going to be alright, Lauren," Dinah said.

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