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The field was filled with students. All dressed smartly in their best clothes and had their silky gowns and caps on. It was graduation day. The day all the seniors have been waiting for. Dinah, Normani and Ally sat beside each other since their last names started with 'H'. She smiled at each other.

"So this is happening?" Dinah asked, "We're really graduating?"

"Yeah we are, Dinah," Normani said as as she held her hand and squeezed it lightly.

"Will Lauren be here?" Dinah asked.

Ally shrugged, "I haven't seen or heard from her since that day."

"I hope she's okay," Dinah said.

"We all do," Normani said.

"Hey losers. You didn't think I'd miss my own graduation, did you?"

The three girls looked up and was surprised to see the green eyed girl standing beside them.

"Lauren!" the three girls exclaimed.

"You came!" Ally exclaimed.

"Of course, I did. I wouldn't miss it for the world," Lauren said.

"Lauren Jauregui?" the principal called for her.

"I guess I got to go make my speech now," Lauren said with a grin, "Wish me luck," she winked at the three before she walked up.

Lauren graduated top of her class and as soon as she was finished with her valedictorian speech, she saw a familiar brunette in the crowd, smiling proudly at her.

The diplomas were given out and graduation caps were thrown in the air. Lauren greeted her family with hugs. As they happily chatted among themselves, Lauren saw Camila smiling at her. A small smile crept onto her lips as she watched the brown eyed girl walk away. Lauren excused herself from her family and ran after her. By the time she reached there, Camila was long gone. Lauren let out a sigh as she ran her hand through her hair.

"Dammit!" she exclaimed as she kicked the grass.


A shot rang out and the world stopped. Camila's eyes widened when she saw Shawn drop to the ground. Ariana's eyes widened in shock as Hailee ran towards the tall boy.

"Shawn! Shawn!" she said as she checked for a pulse, "He's alive but we have to get him out of here," she said to Justin.

"You're not going anywhere!" Ariana exclaimed. She was about to pull the trigger on Justin when Camila grabbed Shawn's gun and shot her instead. Ariana dropped to the ground with a loud thud.

"Help me get him out," Hailee said, "Camila??"

"Go! I'll be fine!" Camila said as she rushed to untie her girlfriend. Hailee and Justin carried Shawn out while Camila untied Lauren. The two girls embraced each other.

"Thank god," Camila breathed out as she pulled away, "I rather die than see you hurt."


Camila took off her backpack and tossed her a hoodie to the green eyed girl. Lauren quickly put the hoodie on and zipped it up.

"Are you gonna be okay? Running in that dress?" Camila asked.

Lauren chuckled as she reached down and ripped her dress to allow more movement. Camila grinned at her.

"That's hot," she said.

Afterwards, Camila led her out of the room, only to run into them. Camila and Lauren was back-to-back as they were surrounded. Camila raised her arms up, just as Lauren did as they looked around.

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