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The Middle

When the bag over her head was removed for the second time, Camila found herself back in Hailee's apartment. Those agents moved fast because once Camila's eyes adjusted to the surrounding, they were gone. Camila frowned. She didn't like what she was suppose to do. Then again, she didn't have much of a choice.

Camila stood up from the couch and walked around the empty apartment. She came across a mirror just before the bathroom. Camila looked at her reflection and was utterly disgusted with herself. Then, she noticed a small bump on her shoulder.

"Shit," Camila muttered as she grabbed her jacket and covered herself. Those agents must've injected her with something. It probably wasn't good. She saw the door open from the mirror and was surprised to see Hailee entering the room. The brunette turned around and raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"You came back," Camila said.

Hailee grinned as she walked towards the brunette, "I said I would."

"You said maybe."

Hailee smiled at her before she walked into the kitchen to grab a drink.

"Why are you back?"

"My people wants to bring you in," Hailee said.

Camila blinked. They were right.

"But I said no," Hailee said as she moved closer.

Camila furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"Wait, what?"

"I wouldn't let them take you unless you're willing to," she said, "I'm not gonna force you."

Camila blushed.

"Wait, then why...?"

"I'm not allowed back until I bring you with me so, here I am," Hailee said with a shrug.

Camila frowned. She took a deep breath.

Here we go.

"I'll go with you."

"C'mon, Camila, you don't have to," Hailee said.

"If I don't, you can't go back."

Hailee looked at her, "What if I don't want to go back?"

"What if I want to stay here with you?"

Oh shit.

Camila took a step forward and took a deep breath before looking up and meeting her gaze, "I won't be the reason why you can't go home."

Hailee smiled, "You're a good person, you know that?"

Camila blushed as she thanked her quietly.


So then, Hailee took her to the Outsiders' base, which happened to be a warehouse. She introduced her to her people, especially the leader, Ariana.

"So, this is Camila," Ariana said as she eyed the brunette from head to toe.

"Heard you ran away," Ariana said as she met Camila's gaze. For some reason, she was so intimidating for a tiny person.

"Why'd you run?"

Camila looked away, not wanting to answer the question. She felt a hand on her shoulder. The brunette looked up in surprise.

"If you'd like, this could be your new home. We could be your new family."

Camila looked at her, "You'd take me in without even knowing a single thing about me?"



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