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Lauren stayed with Camila throughout the day. They didn't talk. They just sat in silence as Lauren watched bad tv while Camila read a book. A nurse came in a few times to check up on Camila but other than that, the two girls were alone.

The door opened and Dr. Ryan walked in and smiled at the two girls. He greeted the two before looking at his clipboard.

"So, how are you feeling, Camila?" he asked.

Camila shrugged, "Okay, I guess."

He sent the clipboard down and gave her a look, "I have news. You want me to sugarcoat it or you want it straight?" he asked.

"Hit me with your best shot, doc," Camila said. Lauren grinned slightly.

"Okay. You can be discharged tomorrow morning-"



"Aww boo," Camila pouted. Lauren felt her heart flutter as she found the brunette rather endearing.

"Provided that your parents come and sign the papers," he said, "I recently found that your parents reported a file stating that you ran away. Two years is an awful lot of time."

"Yeah, it is," Camila said quietly as she looked down at her hands.

Dr. Ryan looked at Camila before turning his attention to Lauren, who simply shrugged. He let out a sigh.

"I'm sorry but I have to follow protocol. Your parents need to know that you're here."

"So call them. They probably won't even show," Camila mumbled.

Dr. Ryan looked at Lauren. The green eyed girl just gave him a sad smile. He nodded as he turned around and walked out of the door.

"What am I going to do?" Camila asked to no one in particular.

Lauren looked at her, "Honestly? I think you should just suck it up and get it over with."

Camila turned and gave her a look. Lauren smiled at her as she reached out and took Camila's hand in hers. Camila didn't flinch or freeze like she did the first time. The action seemed so natural and Camila felt comfort with the green eyed girl. They barely knew each other but for the first time in two years, Camila felt safe.

"For real this time," Lauren started, "I think it'll be good for you to go home."

"I don't know what you went through but by the looks of it, it wasn't pretty."

"I think it'll be good for you to go home and rest," she said again, "And if you're better and you think Miami isn't for you, then figure something out."

"What?" Camila asked in confusion.

"I mean... Talk to your parents. Find a way so that you guys can have what you want," Lauren said.

Camila furrowed her eyebrows and looked away as she thought it through. She looked back and her eyes met Lauren's in a gentle gaze.


Lauren nodded, "Okay."

"Will you be there with me?" Camila asked.

Lauren gave her a soft smile as she squeezed her hand lightly, "Sure."


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