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When Lauren woke up the next day, she knew that it was now or never. She got up, did her morning routine before checking her phone. She sent Camila a good morning text and asked her if she wanted to go out. As she waited for her reply, her phone buzzed and Dinah was calling her. Lauren shook her head as she answered the call.


"It's me," Dinah sang on the other side.

"Did you want something?"

"Whoa, you're in a bad mood," Dinah said.

"I know. I'm sorry."

"Did something happen?"

Lauren sighed, "No but something is about to happen."

"Oh no," Dinah said, "Is it bad?"

"I'll let you know when it happens," Lauren said before hanging up. Just as she did, her phone buzzed. The green eyed girl smiled at Camila's reply.

Here goes nothing.


Camila stared at the sea, sand in her toes and a cool breeze blowing in her face as the waves shyly touched her feet before pulling back into the sea. It reminded her of the time Lauren found her after she ran from home, again. But this time was different. She didn't feel the need to run. She didn't feel her chest tightening or feel out of breath.

For the first time, Camila felt content. She felt a tug at the corner of her lips when she saw Lauren standing beside her from the corner of her eyes.

"What are we doing here, Laur?" Camila asked.

"This is where I found you. You know, for the second time," she joked slightly. Camila smiled as she turned her body to face the green eyed girl.

"I know," she said, "I remember that day very clearly," she added with a slight giggle.

"But I think it's the third time," Camila said.

Lauren took a step forward and took Camila's hand in hers.

"Anyways, I wanted this place to have a new meaning."

Camila tilted her head slightly, "What do you mean?"

"I've been planning this for a while and I was waiting for the right moment but last night, when you asked..."

"I guess this is happening earlier than expected," Lauren said.

"What is?"

"Well," Lauren laughed nervously, "We kissed. There's that."

Camila giggled as she moved closer as she nodded.

"More than once."

"And, well," Lauren smiled, "We like each other a lot."

Camila gave her a look, "Really? I don't remember saying that."

Lauren squinted one eye as she gave her a look. Camila giggled as she stuck her tongue out. Lauren chuckled as she shook her head.

"Camz, I'm trying to be serious here," Lauren whined.

Camila nodded as she closed the gap and wrapped her arms around Lauren's waists before pouting.

"Can you stop doing that?"

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