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The school bell rang. The hallway was soon flooded with students, making their way to the cafeteria for lunch. Lauren walked over to her locker and was keeping some books into the metal container when her phone rang. She whipped it out of her pocket and smiled when she saw that it was Camila.

"Hey stranger."

Lauren chuckled, "Hey Camz, what's up?"

"Could you pick me up in an hour at the hospital?" she asked. Lauren frowned as she shut her locker door.

"Why are you at the hospital? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Laur. My mom's making me see a therapist. It's either that or school and there's no way I'm going back there," Camila said.

"Have you ever thought about being home schooled?" Lauren asked as she leaned against her closed locker.

"Thought about it," Camila said, "But Lauren, I missed two years of school. There's no way I'd keep up by the end of the year."

"I'm supposed to be a senior. I'm supposed to have a normal high school experience. Go to prom. Fall in love. Graduate. But I can't do that anymore."

"Who said you can't?" Lauren asked.

"There's nothing normal about my situation, Lauren."

"But you're only a few steps away from falling in love. Doesn't that count for something?" Lauren asked, smirking. She could practically see Camila blushing and smiling on the other end of the line.

"Who said anything about falling in love with you?"

Lauren smiled, "I didn't say me."


"If it's any consolation, I feel the same way."


Lauren smiled.

"I'll be there in an hour," Lauren said, "Lucky for you, my classes just ended."

"Okay. Um, thank you," Camila said.

"Anytime," Lauren said as she hung up.


Camila had just finished her session with Dr Kendrick and was waiting for Lauren to pick her up. She waited for 20 minutes and still no sign of Lauren. Camila felt her heart ache as she dropped her head. She was about to call her mom but that's when she saw Lauren's car pulled up in front of her. The green eyed girl quickly got out of the car.

"I'm so sorry I'm late!" Lauren said as she walked towards Camila.

"I thought you forgot about me," Camila said quietly as she kept her head down.

"I could never forget about you, Camz," she said. Lauren tilted Camila's head up by her chin but Camila moved away. Lauren furrowed her eyebrows.

"Are you mad?"

Camila finally looked up and faced Lauren, "No, I'm not mad. I could never be mad at you."

"Then why does it seem like you are?"

Camila looked away as she shrugged. Lauren let out a sigh before she walked back to her car. Camila looked at her. Was she going to leave her? Of course she was. Camila let out a breath as she shook her head. It was going to happen eventually. She didn't know why she thought Lauren was different. She was about to walk back into the building when she heard Lauren call her out.

Camila turned back around and saw Lauren jogging towards her with something behind her.

"This is cheesy but," Lauren pulled out a small bouquet of daisies from behind her, "This is why I was late."

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