Bad or Good Luck

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_(n)_ walked holding heavy bucket tiredly. She placed it on the medical shop sighing but slowly turned seeing three males walking. The girl smiled but stopped seeing her friends face expression.

Madara had red glowing eyes while his mouth was formed on a straight line with the corners going down a bit. She could tell he wanted to cry but him being the hot headed boy he held inside his emotion. She glared a bit seeing tajima's gaze. The usual cold hearted not carrying type of stare was placed on his face.


"Tajima-San is Madara in ?"


"Can I see him...?"

"Nisan isn't good right now ."

Izuna quickly interrupt her having a glare a bit. The Uchiha girl blinked confuse eyeing them seeing how strange they were acting " aw okay..i'll come later then...hopefully he feels better  ..."she smiled bowing as she turned leaving the place .

Tajima kept staring at her thou. He glared a bit remembering what Madara said. She knew about Hashirama. Yet she didn't tell him. He was beginning to dislike her a bit but he understood how children where and so he let it be.


Madara was sitting on the corner of his room sniffing none stop as he rubbed his eyes. He looked to the window glaring " what do you want." " came to visit !" " pff I bet you came to gossip ." He  stared at her with a bit of a red on his nose and puffy eyes. _(n)_ climbed inside walking towards the boy smiling " what happened ?" "...." " you know you can tell me." "......" He looked to the side glaring while she kneeled down siting across from him. He looked at her " his a senju." " what.." " Hashirama. His a senju." He looked down at his feet feeling tears coming out his eyes again "......." _(n)_ smiled a bit ' great....' She really didn't know what to do so like a girl she was. She crawled next to him bringing the shocked sniffing Uchiha on a big warm hug. Madara blushed slowly looking to the side " what are you doing .." " hugging you" " why." " it's suppose to make you feel better !" "...well it's not helping " " you sure ?" " mhm." "...... " he had a vein forming on his forehead feeling her still not letting him go. _(n)_ smiled happily while she began to pat and rube her hand back and forth on his back .

"If it makes you feel better ......"

".........what...and that feels weird..."

*insert the girls giggle and the boys growl*

"I will never leave your side !"



_(n)_ looked at him happily while her doe eyes went more bigger freaking him out a bit . Madara looked to the side having red cheeks again " uhm but your a girl .." " and ??" "...isn't it weird ....never leaving a guys side " " not really no. "  the boy move this black eyes to hers "........never stand behind me when I pee then. Or never do that."  "........." " you better not or I'll stab you ." "....ssssssuuurrreeeeee"




_(m/n)_ smiled nervously looking down at the two children "....she never asked " " no." Tajima eyed his friend. The woman sigh kneeling down trying to get her daughter but  blinked seeing the hard grip the boy had on her. She sweat dropped trying to pull her but still. No luck.

Tajima walked placing a hand on the woman's shoulder sighing " just let them be he won't let go until he wakes up. " ".....hehe reminds me of us ~~~" the man glared blushing while the woman cat smiled sassily.

"Shut up nerd."

"Look who's talking Emo kid."


Madara walked looking down as he fixed the back pouch on his armor. He stopped seeing the medical shinobi talking calmly with the other men. _(n)_ smiled  fixing her her ponytail as she turned but blinked seeing the boy .

Madara looked to the side as he turned walking away quickly. The girl glared puffing her cheeks" Dara!!" She ran after him quickly but got stopped by her sensei " don't go running off. You'll see him soon." The man glared as his kohai. The girl looked down nodding.

Madara peeked from in back of a wall glaring while his cheeks were painted red. He walked towards the other men quickly seeing Izuna fixing his sword on his sides. The boy swallowed a bit hard ' great first Izuna and now her .' He sigh as they began to walk.


_(n)_ breath hard with wide eyes seeing the brutal fight. She held her trembling hands while the rest of the medical ninjas waited to see badly injure Uchiha.

She looked around having her sharingan activated trying to find Madara and Izuna. She bite her lip trembling a bit more as she walked a bit closer gasping seeing Madara fighting Hashirama  and Izuna fighting tobirama.

The girl gasp a bit too loud as she left running seeing Madara being thrown on the floor. She twitched feeling a grip on her arm " you can't go out in battle." " but Madara !!!" She closed one eye feeling her sensei having the hardest grip ever "......" " if he dies . It's for the clan. Nothing more. Nothing less." The man glared at her. _(n)_ had wide eyes ' how is this...even ....' She glared more getting the second Tomoe " then I'm not a medical ninja." She looked back angrily.
Madara breath hard quickly jumping up dodging the kunai going his way " Tch......" He held his arm feeling it broken " Hashirama." He glared at him. The senju boy frowned as he cached his breath. He placed a hard gripe on his sword as he began to run at the injured boy.


Madara gasp covering himself a bit with his good arm while lighting came
Out of nowhere . Hashirama  placed his sword horizontally seeing a fist hitting the blame breaking it . The senju had wide eyes meeting two glowing red eyes. _(n)_ felt a hard sting on her hand ' Tch I still can't control it good...' The boy stumbled hitting the floor.
The girl looked back at Madara running to him " come on we need to heal you " " no I can still do this." " shut up and let's go." She glared while he glared back at her.


Tajima watched a girl while an Uchiha male spoke to him with a displease expression as he eyed her too.

Madara was blushing as he looked to the side while _(n)_ was healing his cuts. She smiled sighing in relief while Izuna sat next to her watching curiously .

"What about his arm ?"

"That'll need to be cast for now ."

"Tch some great healer ."

"Shut up."

She glared down at him while he smirked. Izuna stared at them confuse then back at his dad seeing him smirk also.


Oh yeah! Tajima and readers mom where a bit of a couple back on the days
(*≧▽≦)ノシ  you can see where their attitude comes from too (亝ω亝。)

P.S remove the mouth wrinkles and the one running down his cheek and Tajima is a hottie like his sons
(*/ω\*) ......

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