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Madara was glaring irritated as he looked down. _(n)_ sigh patching his wounds " many ..."
" about .......90 or so....." He looked at the fire. His wife looked at his new gash wounds still oozing blood. She sigh making a hand sigh having green chakra form on her hands as she slowly placed them on his back "OY ! Save your cha-" " your my priority right now." She blinked tiredly watching the wounds close . He turned his head towards her confuse while she calmly smiled at him.

" know....."


"We're alone."


"In a cave~"


She glared with a 'really' expression while he smirked at her.


Tobirama sigh looking down at the boy seeing him still looking at the gates " why aren't they back?" " missions aren't easy. Regardless of how the shinobi is at strength." "......Tobirama." " mm?" The senju blinked confuse seeing the kids ears go red"....if  something happens to them." "...." "...can you be my dad ?" "PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!!!!!" The albino paled with red cheeks from his request. He slammed on the floor twitching. Darami blinked looking down at the nose bleeding man.


"You know you want to~~"

"...are you on heat or something ??"

"Hehehehe well you always did say I was an animal~"

"S-shut up!!!"

Madara smirked more while _(n)_ glared blushing angrily yet embarrassed.

"Come to daddy~~"

"Eh!!?? D-don't use that word now !!"

"Fine. Come give me sugar then baby~~"

"What did I say!!"

He chuckled amused while she glared blushing darkly. The woman sigh crossing her arms while he turned slowly putting on his long coat-shirt thing. _(n)_ looked at him blinking slowly " look good for a 32 year old." "" He glared " mm! Unlike Hashirama !" Madara smacked her head as she giggled "just kidding ! kidding !!" She held her head happily. He puffed his cheek a bit looking down. He turned his gaze to her "....but no. Really." " eh..." He placed his hand on her shoulder clutching it a bit. _(n)_ blushed slowly being dragged. Her cheek laid on his chest " but ....uhm.........." Her face went red while a hand was placed on her cheek brining her face up. Madara smiled at her calmly as her hand laid on his "......when you heal." " hm~~" "...when you heal. Okay...promise..." She smiled slowly. The man sigh glaring a bit " fine." He leaned down laying his lips on hers. _(n)_ closed her eyes slowly kissing him back. Her eyes snapped opened gasping.

***enter funny Naruto music ******


_(n)_'s glared still having a redden face. Madara was smirking not breaking the kiss while his hand kept squeezing her breast. She pulled off quickly pushing him back as he laughed.




Hikaku glared pulling a weak boy towards him " he is staying with his uncle." " no." Tobirama glared down at him as he pulled the stumbling weak Uchiha back to his side " his staying with me." " and why should he ." " because im his daddy." The albino snapped his fingers sassily. Hikaku had wide eyes with a hand laying against his chest with an extremely offended expression.

Darami face palmed ' his an idiot like dad too....'


Madara looked out the cave irritated with a giant bump on his head. He kept having a strange feeling specially his ear kept plugging ' who's talking shit.' He glared more turning back seeing the woman sitting a against a wall sleeping tiredly from them fighting the mist ninjas.

The man sigh walking back towards her as he sat down bringing her to his chest.


Next chapter maybe..............

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