Dango Song

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"Dango Dango Dango~~~"

"Dango Dango Dango~~"

Madara felt his eye twitch none stop while two people sang the annoying song none stop. He turned glaring at Izuna and _(n)_ as they both smiled happily singing. "Tch." He turned again crossing his arms as they walked to camp after an 8 hour fight.

" Dango Dango Dango Dango ~~"

"Dango Dango Dango Dango~~"

"the Big  Dango Family ~~"

_(n)_ and Izuna laughed happily even thou the pain they felt from the beating and slashes kept making them twitch none stop. The eldest Uchiha sweat dropped "are you two weirdos done singing about food ?"  ""Mm!!" They said unison.

Madara smiled nervously feeling his arms being hugged " Dara!" "Mm..." " let's eat Dango !!" "Uhh" he sweat dropped blushing seeing how cute they both looked. He sigh nodding slowly.

Madara laid his chin on his palm irritated as he sat next to a girl. He blinked looking at the sweet on his hand. He closed his eyes wanting to eat it but yet he didn't because seeing a leader eat something sweet was on the 'meh' side.
_(n)_ blinked looking at the young man confuse seeing him staying like that. "Dara....?" "Mm" " why aren't you eating ??" "....not that hungry....." "Nisan thinks he looks girly !!" Izuna puffed his cheeks while the girl blinked snickering " is that true ??" "N-no!!" He puffed his cheeks blushing slowly while she giggled making him blush more then before.

"Hehe ! Don't worry no one will talk bad of you !"


"Mm Izuna is the carrot! (Pink) I am the rice ! ( white) and your the spinach !(green) we are a Dango!"

"Why am I the spinach......."

" because no one likes you  !"

Madara froze having an arrow stab his heart as his eyes widen with furrowed eyebrows "eh..."  " mm ! Except for me !" " and me !" " what..." "I like spinach !!" _(n)_ smiled hugging his arm while Izuna snickered happily. Madara blushed slowly glaring a bit "Hmp...."


_(n)_ blinked smiling placing her hand on her chest healing herself calmly . Madara was sitting calmly against a tree eyeing her body "......" He looked to the side seeing Izuna sleeping calmly. He looks straight again slowly standing up walking towards the 19 year old.

The girl twitched a bit looking to the side seeing him sitting next to her as he eyed the fire " what is it ? Does your chest hurt ?" " no..." " then...?"  Madara blinked looking g her slowly while his some-what long hair moved on the wind a bit " what's the meaning behind that song you tough Izuna....." " what do you mean ?" " I'm sure your not talking just about food being family." He glared a bit curiously._(n)_ blinked but smiled placing her hands on her lap making the chakra leave " my dad told me it meant ..of never separating. Like the Dango. " she looked at him calmly " even if you eat one by one they'll still be together so the family won't break."  The onyx haired boy blinked looking at her. He raised an eyebrow of pure confusion " eh.......????" She giggled seeing how cute he looked " you might get it later on falcon man ~~" "u-urusai..." He looked to the side blushing slowly but blinked seeing her hand slowly laying on the floor "........can you sing me the song .." " eh??" " sing me the song ...I wanna hear it only from you...." "Hehe...." She blushed smiling happily while he looked to the side still.  She cleared her throat a bit laying her head on his shoulder a bit . Madara blinked feeling his cheeks slowly burning.

"Dango Dango Dango Dango Dango Dango ~The Big Dango Family~~~~

Dango Dango Dango Dango Dango Dango ~The Big Dango Family~~~

The mischievous roasted Dango,  the gentle bean jam Dango 
The moon viewing Dango is a bit of a dreamer ~"

she smiled poking his nose signaling that one being him making the male twitch glaring a bit.

"The sesame Dango always looks prim, the quadruplet spitted Dango
Put all of them together to make a family of one hundred~~

The baby Dango is always in the midst of happiness
The old Dango narrows his eyes~~

The friendly Dango all hold hands and create a big round ring ~~
They laugh together while making towns on the Dango star
The rabbits wave from the big moon in the sky ~~
It takes all the happy and sad things and rounds them up!

Dango Dango Dango Dango Dango Dango The Big Dango Family ~~

Dango Dango Dango Dango Dango Dango The Big Dango Fami-"


The girl turned but twitched with wide eyes feeling soft lips on hers. Madara calmly wrapped his arm around her shoulders as he brought her closer. _(n)_ blinked blushing but smiled happily kissing the onyx haired male back.

Izuna opened one eye smiling seeing his brother happy.

'The Big Dango Family~'


This song just made me think of them!!!! \(//∇//)\ kekekekeke!! Guess who the baby Dango is !!

Song belongs to Clanned !! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

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