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Tajima glared. _(m/n)_ glared back. Both had an electric shook while _(d/n)_ smiled awkwardly between them. The man sweat dropped anime  crying as he held a confuse izuna.

Out in the field two kids were seen one sitting down while the other had his arm out.

Madara glared looking at the baby falcon " get back here !!!!" The bird just stared at him sassily. If it had eyebrows one would be surely raised. _(n)_ smiled sweat dropping " Maybe try singing princess ~~" " I tried that already!-" he froze nervously seeing her  with wide eyes " really !!!???" "N-No!!!!! Shut up!!!!" He blushed looking away while she laughed holding her stomach. The Uchiha boy glared anime crying from embarrassment. _(n)_ smiled standing up skipping to him " put your arm like this !" She stood in back of him bending his elbow a bit while some what straightening his arm. Madara blushed slowly feeling her small boobs touch his back not to mention how close she was. Being around females was still not an okay thing for him regardless of her being his only friend left. She creeped him out. A bit too much at times.

The boy blinked seeing the falcon fly down calmly landing on his arm staring at him. The girl smiled crossing her arms " see ~~" " shut up bird lady...." " shut up cat man." "Hmp." "Hehehe!!"


Madara smiled looking at his pet falcon. He happy stroke its head Making the bird close its eyes happily adjusting towards its new life style.  _(n)_ watched with puffed cheeks feeling jealousy.  She bump her head on madaras back making him stumble " eh...?" He looked back at her confuse. The girl blushed looking down " Nani...?" ".........." She moved her eyes to the side then up at him having fully pink cheeks making him blush a bit by how cute she looked " ......."Madara turned better while she let go of his shirt. He blinked staring at her a bit confuse while she kept not making eye contact with him. He raised an eyebrow " what is-" he froze feeling a tight hug. The boy blushed darkly while she smiled happily. She slowly let go of his " w-what was that for ??" He puffed his cheeks irritated while she giggled " I like seeing that face !!" Madara blinked confuse "" " your really cute !" She smiled happily while his face turned blood red with steam coming out his head. The falcon on his shoulder stared at him then at the girl . It then looked at the camera.

-----------1/2minths later---------

_(n)_ rolled out a tree as she quickly hide behind a wall.  Madara looked back confuse as he kept walking on the merchant  area eyeing for a scroll hop. The girl peeked out having puffed cheeks quickly running but hide in back of  a post seeing him turn back again. The boy began to look a bit paranoid . He turned walking faster seeing it some-what dark.  The girl followed thou.  Each step she made , made Madara sweat nervously as he began to run quickly . He sigh in relief seeing the hop close by but froze seeing time pausing for him. He stumbled slamming on the floor roughly "ughhhhh!!!!!"
_(n)_ walked towards him like if she just so happened to be around " what ......up?" "...shut up......." He glared sitting up dusting himself. He looked at her " why are you out so late ?" She twitched smiling nervously ' shit shit shit !!' " uhm you know !! Walking ...and stuff..........." She looked to the side while he glared standing up. "Hmp..." He crossed his arms. The now 13 year old eyed her suspiciously " might as well help me carry down tuff." " okay" "as your future clan leader I co-........." He blinked with a poker face " you a greed...?" "mm!"  He eyed her suspiciously " who are you..." " what do you mean?" He walked around her with a confuse expression " your being nice....." " I'm always nice " " only when you want something ." He glared while she smiled happily .


_(d/n)_ smiled happily looking down at the two kids seeing them getting a long better then before.  Madara was calmly practicing his calligraphy while _(n)_ redd out a text calmly. He turned to his wife and friend though.

Tajima had a large vein on his forehead with a wooden spoon at hand while _(m/n)_ glared with a wooden fork. Both parents kept fighting as usual. The man always wondered why they hated one an other. But he prefer to keep that question at bay. Izuna held on to his hand as he watched the two adults begin to act like kids his age. He sweat dropped looking at the stupidity his father was '....ottosan.....your like Nisan.......' The little boy looked back seeing his brother beginning to argue with the girl ' yeah.....'


Madara smiled happily seeing the falcon fly around better " finally !" He blinked calmly seeing it flying back towards him.

"Your welcome !"

"For what..."

"I don't know ..."


The boy looked at her weirdly while the girl smiled happily at him " what?" Madara blinked looking away " nothing..." He puffed his pink cheeks a big thinking. _(n)_ blinked but giggled seeing the bird sit on his shoulder looking like a fluffy ball " hey Madara !" " what...." " grow your hair long !"" Why...?" " I'm sure you'll be a fluffy ball !!" "....urusai...." He glared blushing " I will never have long hair that's only for girls ." " how much do you bet ?" She smirked. They boy blinked. He smirked slowly " I bet my hand in marriage ~ if that ever happens then I'll have to marry your retarded face ~" she blushed smirking evilly " deal. But what happens if you don't ?" Madara thought crossing his arms " then you'll have to marry Izuna." She smiled twitching turning to the child.

Izuna was calmly sitting on the wooden floor swinging his legs but blinked seeing her staring at him. he raised an eyebrow sassily . So much sass was seen on that boy. She could just get by Madara. She couldn't imagine herself even surviving a full week with him. Not to mention how Izuna was way too pretty. The thought of him looking better then her at the weeding made her twitching turning back to the boy.

_(n)_ placed her hand out " deal~~" Madara smirked getting it " deal."


***placed Filler Chapter ****

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