Forgive Me ( half-Special Chapter)

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((Art by HachimitsuBani! Or Bani-Chan❤️❤️❤️))

WARNING  WARNING !! MATURITY ! Bear-San will be read !!  (*≧▽≦)ノシ

---Le Time Skip----

_(n)_ walked calmly holding her side still. She didn't recover from the impact Toka gave her well. She sigh looking up at the sky seeing it getting dark " I'm so weak........." " no your not..." She turned slowly meeting one black eye. She looked down quickly ".....that's not what..." " what I said before was of anger...I didn't know who else to leak my rage to." Madara walked towards her slowly looking down at her.
_(n)_ blushed a bit feeling his hand lay on her shoulder gently.



"How long was I treating you like that..."

"I-It doesn't matter...."

"Yes it does. Tell me now."

She liked to the side sweating nervously feeling his stare "uhm.......about two years.....but it doesn't matter..." Madara stared at her twitching ' two years and I never......' He looked to the side glaring a bit.

The woman gasped blushing a bit being carried bridal style " M-Madara ??" She looked at him quickly. The man smirked a bit as he walked calmly looking straight. _(n)_ blushed placing her hands on top of her chest. She smiled a bit feeling how warm he was.


_(n)_ had a darken face as she sat on the floor. Large hands slowly moved around her waist having bandages cover her healing wounds. She looked go the side nervously as she was slowly being pulled to a toned chest while legs moved locking around hers. She closed her eyes feeling them slowly grope her breast as she gasp placing her hands on them " s-stop....." "Hm...." Madara smirked a bit leaning down kissing her jaw line " your so beautiful........" He pinched her buds tightly making her moan flinching. _(n)_ trembled feeling something growing on her back " uhh....." She opened her eyes looking at his hands while the man bite her ear top.


"He left with Hikaku to a mission. They'll be here till dawn."

He smiled seeing her shy expression " hehe.....your so...pure..." "H-Hmp..." She blushed glaring up at him. Madara smirked moving one hand down sliding it inside her pants massing a warm area. _(n)_ moaned gripping his hand weakly . Madara smirked eyeing her legs shift " you like it don't you ~~"  he chuckled moving his hand out seeing it a bit wet " hehehe..." "Don't show them idiot !!!" She blushed darker glaring . The male snickered a bit at her cute behavior. " then it's your turn." " what...." " mm~~" he smirked seeing her look at him with the darkest shade of red ever made. She looked down twitching none stop " I uh......I mean..we ..uhmmmm uhhhh" she blushed facing his chest while he looked at her " those times don't count. This time I'm actually going to show affection." " wait what." " nothing ~~~" she glared while he kept his smirk.


Madara had his back laying against the thin wall. He had a side smirk placing a hand on a black haired woman's head " go on~~ it's not it'll bite you " " s-shut up...." She glared blushing as she eyed the throbbing stick "I uh...its ..." " big~~ why thank you !"  She glared at his conceded side while he smirked more " why are you so shy for go on ~ not the first time you've seen it this close " _(n)_ blushing sighing , she laid her good arm down to support her weight as she placed her injured arm around her waist to hold her healing wound . She looked to the side having glowing red cheeks as her lips kissed the tip of the  large piece of meat nervously feeling something coming out from it as she slowly trembled with green tint under her eyes. She opened her small mouth slowly having her tongue come out. Madara stared at her having pink cheeks. He looked at the pose she was doing ' she looks so erotic and doesn't know it.......' He gasp a bit feeling pure warmth around his special area, he smirked breathing a bit hard " dirty girl." He looked down seeing the woman move her head as he gripped her head more . His breathing began to hitch as she did a strange head movement causing him to moan " h-hey now.....d-don't make me f-finish quickly." He glared pulling her away as he sigh in relief having the feeling on his stomach leave.
_(n)_ blinked blushing darkly ' I blanked out the whole time.........' She slowly sat up looking at him " do they hurt ..?" " no..not as much as before..." She blinked looking at her bandaged side. Madara smirked a bit placing his hands on her shoulders making her lay on the tatami floor " then it's alright to begin." He smiled slamming his hands on the floor making her jump/ twitch "eh.." " let's make sweet~~~sweet~~ sugary babies ~~" she froze with wide eyes as her cheeks burned a color not close to red. Smoke came out her head while he positioned himself between her legs. She twitched feeling his hand on her shoulders to hold her on place while his face laid next to hers.
A moan escaped her lips feeling him moving in her slowly. " hehe not the first time and your all tight ~" " don't say it !!" She blushed from pure embarrassment as he chuckled.
His hips slowly moved making her put her good arm around his shoulders as girly moans came out her mouth from pleasure yet pain. He smirked a bit feeling her nails dig on his skin while she slowly gasp as his lips  kissed her neck. He made his free hand move to her injured one making it interwind his fingers with her as he slowly moved his head up kissing her lips. His cheeks turned a bit of pink feeling the hand on his back moved to his cheek. His pace stopped as he kept kissing his wife lovingly not wanting to break off. He moved the hand he had on her shoulder placing it under her head for better support. _(n)_  breath hard trying to catch air but would fail since his lips would quickly attach back to hers. She opened her eyes having a blue tint under them ' I can't breath.....' "Ma-" "mm-" "a-""ra-" her face slowly  turned purple mix with blue as he kept forcefully kissing her soft lips . The woman saw black dots on her vision as she felt her lips  going numb.  A large sting was coming from her side also. That's when everything went black.

Madara blinked twice not feeling her  move anymore "Hu...." He looked at her but smiled nervously seeing his wife knocked out cold. He quickly sat up twitching as he saw her once clean bandages slowly turning red." Maybe I should had waited ......"

------------Le Next Day---------

Hikaku blinked placing a hand in his sisters forehead " hmm ...she doesn't have a fever....." He looked at Madara seeing him tense. " what happened..." " uhm...she went the woods." " you let her walk out on this condition??" "Uhm......yes............?"  The man sigh looking at her again " don't do that again." "Mm....."

Madara looked down nervously having cold sweat dripping down his forehead ' few.."

"Also wait till she heals when you try to conceive."


Madara looked straight having an embarrassed expression while his brother in law smirked with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm going to be an uncle ???"

"WHERE DID YOU COME FROM!!!?"  Madara had a large vein on his forehead as Izuna staid sitting next to him " I was here the whole time Nisan." The younger brother turned smiling with empty hallow eyes.

Madara and Hikaku had a blue tint under their eyes as they eyed the disturbing child. Izuna kept the smile as he laughed slowly. Madara and Hikaku laughed nervously.

"Hehehehe imgoingtokillallofyouforpower."



"Nothing ~~~~"


(≧∇≦) I love creepy Izuna !!!

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