Bro No

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_(n)_ walked holding her arm with her gaze on the floor. She looked back at the academy seeing her son happily walking with his friends. The woman looked straight seeing the older one sitting on a bench waiting for her.

"Don't you have a mission to go to...?"

" mm but till later..."

Darami smiled at her as he calmly stood up " do you need help with anything ?" ".....hmm I was going to the mar-" she blinked not seeing him there "ket...rude....." She giggled walking again.


The Uchiha walked around the market area looking at the new merchandise ' hmm not a lot to see.......' She looked straight accidentally stepping on a puddle. Her eyes widen as time went slow ' shit shit shit shit !!!!' She tried getting her balance back quickly closed her eyes waiting to hit the floor.


She blinked twice never reachi it as her eyes moved up meting two red ones. The woman's cheeks turned red slowly while said albino stood up holding one hand a bag while the other was around her waist calmly bringing her up "...are you okay..." " mm.....thank you..." She smiled making his eye twitch.

Tobirama slowly let her waist go feeling nervous around the woman. _(n)_ blinked smiling  tilting her head " you shop ?" "Mm..... I have to .." " why is that?" " I live alone so yeah..." " ahh...." "......." "....." They looked to the side staying quiet for a long time. "...Tobirama..." " hm?" " what where you going to say back then..?" "...some  thing.....not important......" The man looked down at the ground. _(n)_ blinked confuse seeing the strange change on his eyes. She noticed how many people kept passing by them. She smiled calmly getting his hand as she walked " OY...." He glared having a pink tint on his cheek. He stumbled trying to get use to her quick pace . He blinked seeing her smile back at him getting him off guards as he made a surprise expression.

-------------- ----------

A senju and an Uchiha sat side by side on top of the Hokage muniment. Tobirama blinked confuse eyeing the large village while the woman next to him looked down at the ground .

"....are you...doing .. well."

" guys are helping....specially......"


"Nothing nothing...."

_(n)_ smiled calmly as her hands laid on her lap. Tobirama looked at her confuse but soon stopped " oh I need to give you back the bento...thanks by the way...." " can have it...." Yet again the albino blinked confuse as she looked at him smiling.
The woman couldn't help. But imagine . Madara. That made her feel so guilty as she looked down quickly. A long silent moment passed between them "....Tobirama......" "Hm....." " you ever feel alone....." Her hand slowly moved down her lap to the ground. The man eyed her as his twitched feeling her delicate cold hand touch his.

"......even if your around a lot of people....." She looked at him having pure sorrow show. The albino blinked. His looked down for a long time staying quiet"..........." His eyes moved up slowly looking at her. He leaned lowly as they both closed their eyes.

"10 INCHES APART!!!!!!"

A large vein form on the mans head as he turned seeing Hashirama with a speaker phone " get out of  here anija!!!!!" " but I'm protecting you Tobi!!" " I'm not a child idiot !!!!"
_(n)_ blinked watching them with an embarrassed blush. She soon began to giggle them laugh as they kept fighting back an forth they slowly stopped looking at her.

Hashirama smiled sweat dropping while Tobirama had the ends of his mouth curled up a bit.


"You need to focus more on your chakra and your opponents. "

"....I do."

"No you don't . You just think you have the upper hand by just seeing one."

Darami puffed his cheeks tiredly while the albino had his arms crossed with a calm expression " what? Giving up soon"   " no..." " then....." A smirk came on the young Uchiha making Tobirama blinked feeling something poking his back .

"Check mate !"

A side smirk played on his lips " well done." He blinked seeing the boy once in front of him turn in to water splashing on the ground. Tobirama turned looking down at the Uchiha " your almost as fast as me. Impressive." The albino patted his head making the boy close one eye " but not good enough thou..." " don't try to be better then some one who has more experience then you . " the man calmly crossed his arms " that'll get you in to deep trouble."
Darami blinked with admiration for the senju. "Tobirama." " mm?" " when are you and mom getting married." "" He smiled confuse while the kid blinked happily.


"Come on eat this...."


"Eat it."


The woman sigh as the Maru had puffed cheeks with his little arms crossed sassily looking away. The woman looked back seeing Darami and Tobirama walking as they spoke. She looked back at the young Uchiha " won't be allowed to play with Tobi-" a surprised expression came on her face as she watched him eat the nasty spinach  mix with Tofū.

The woman blinked thinking yet again. She slowly lost herself on her thoughts.



"Hu what what!!!"


"Are you feeling well...?"

__(n)_ blushed looking back seeing the albino blinked raising an eyebrow "
Well...?" " h-Hu ohh!!! Y-yes !!" She smiled while Darami blinked seeing the tension between them ' just fuck already.'

------------Le Time Skip-----------

Tobirama blinked blushing as he walked next to an Uchiha. _(n)_ was smiling calmly looking down at his pale hand.  The man twitched looked down quickly seeing her hand holding his. He looked straight sweating nervously making his slowly fold on hers.

*long 1 hour  silence *

He sigh nodding to himself "..._(n)_." He stopped walking as she looked at him "hmm? " "...I have something to tell you ." " oh okay..." She smiled . Tobirama took a deep breath "...._(n)_. I have admired you since I first tried killing you." The woman sweat dropped as her mouth twitched " since that time I stabbed you...some how my heart felt strange ......." Her eye twitched none stop "  I was actually  hopping for Madara to die that day so I could had taken you ...but.." " what!?" " nothing..."  She blinked as he looked at her directly on the eyes " _(n)_. I have always. L-oushvava....." The male blinked not able to say the word making her have a wtf expression " eh..." " I losvsv........." He sigh angrily having redden cheeks "...I love you. I always have. Even though you got married to that dushbag of a man." He looked at her embarrassed still feeling her hand on his . The woman had wide eyes with rosy red cheeks. She looked down for a while as she smiled slowly ".......I-"


Tobirama glared looking up while the woman face palmed embarrassed having all the villagers stared at the two with wide eyes.

Hashirama had a wide smile holding a speaker phone still in front of his mouth as he had half of his body out of the Hokage office window  " hey Mito!!! Little Tobi finally got the milf !!!"

"URUSAI ANIJA!!!!!!!!!!! "

_(n)_ blinked with wide eyes watching the albino chase the laughing  Hokage. She slowly smiled laughing but something bothered her. It felt like Madara. Was watching her. She still felt his dark cold gaze on her.


(=゚ω゚)ノ♡ Hashi trying to support the messed up relationship between his bro and best friends wife / widow ! 

Btw if you didn't know what a milf was !!

Milf: a sexually attractive older woman , typically one with children !

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