Watching you

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--5 years---

Izuna watched confuse at the two teens walking side by side bumping their shoulders at each other. Giggles and chuckles came out their direction.
The young boy glared a bit seeing Madara holding the girls hand. Izuna puffed his cheeks a bit annoyed seeing his big brother giving her more attention.


Madara blinked looking at some scrolls. The teen blinked seeing Izuna walking in with puffed cheeks " what?" "....Nisan. You aren't leaving Izuna right." " eh??" The boy had DAFUQ expression as his young brother looked to the side. Izuna moved his gaze up at Madara making eye contact " Nisan belongs to Izuna !!" He ran off quickly passing a confuse Tajima on his way out the house.

Madara sweat dropped smiling in pure confusion " weirdo ...." He looked back at his scrolls getting the one _(n)_ gave him " taijutsu .....interesting ..." He smiled opening it calmly.

Tajima looked at his son as he stopped in front of his open door " Madara....why did Izuna ran out the house .." " I don't know...." The son looked up at his dad. The man blinked as he kept walking suspiciously.


"Mama!!" _(n)_ blushed darkly as she held an almost finished gunbai . The woman turned " mm??" "......uhm......does this look good ??" She smiled showing it . _(m/n)_ blinked looking at the gigantic thing " yeah! But isn't that a bit too...." " it's for a ....uhm...future ....." The teen smiled blushing slowly imaging Madara as an adult.
The woman blinked twice. She slowly glared eyeing the girl suspiciously "......." She looked at the door quickly seeing it sliding open. _(n)_ turned raising an eyebrow "Izuna  ?" 
The Uchiha boy glared puffing his cheeks " Nisan is mine !!!" the teen twitched a bit smiling " eh~~~~is that jealousy i hear~~"  the 10 year old boy blushed darkly while the 15 year old girl smirked more.

"Izuna...Tajima is looking for you." _(d/n)_ stepped inside the house looking at the boy. Izuna blinked looking at him then back at her then back at "" He walked calmly leaving.

"...what just happened. What did he mean by that." Her mother turned glaring while she twitched more sweating nervously seeing her father smirk knowing what was going "...stuff..."

-----next day----

Izuna peeked  from a wall seeing two black haired teens walking together. He glared suspiciously following .

" oh yeah the taijutsu thing..."



"No problem~~"

The boy smiled slowly while she blushed smiling back at him. A trail of hearts was seen as they passed by many confuse and terrified Uchiha being smacked by their love.

"Your still annoying."

"You still look like a girl ~~"

They laughed together as they kept insulting one an other. Izuna glared more feeling an eye vessel pop. A jealous aura was seen around him as he watched his brother giving his some-what-friend-but-still-enemy  attention like there was no tomorrow.

"Oh yeah.... Uhm..about the Kama...." " mm?" " my uncle said you might have to wait till you grow fully..or you just want him to estimate how tall you'll be ?" " hmm I don't know.." Madara blinked thinking as he crossed his arms slowly " either way...if it's not a bother to him he could estimate..." " ah okay!" She smiled looking straight " Madara .." "Mm" " do you feel being watched..." " yeah ....since we left ..."  They looked way other a bit confuse then around the place.  Madara looked back at the teen seeing how cute she had actually become. Well. She was always cute for him. That and she was strong  unlike many other .

"Your not ugly .."


"Nothing <~~"

She blinked confuse as she turned towards him. The teen looked to the side having pink cheeks " anyways." " mm?" "about that bet." " we make a lot of those .." " the one about the long hair ." " oh! What about it ?" "....." He sigh looking at her "uhm can..we change it if I grow my hair..." She puffed her cheeks "mm Kay...what do you want ?" "....uh I'll tell you later .." He smiled a bit making her blush slowly "Kay........" They stopped under a cherry blossom tree

*enter shoujo style wind / pedals blowing majestically *

Madara blinked feeling his cheeks stay warm as he eyed her. _(n)_ kept a pink blush putting her hand on the side of her hair preventing it from getting to her eyes. They slowly leaned to each other .

Izuna had a tomato color face watching ' ah hell nah!!!!' He got a rock throwing it quickly .

Madara froze smiling feeling pure pain on his head".........." He placed his hand on top of it getting a rock "....." "Your bleeding !!!"_(n)_ covered her mouth while the teen blinked twice feeling something warm running down his head " ah........."

-----2 hours later----

Izuna had death written around him seeing his brother laying his bandaged head on the girls arm as they sat together. The 10 ear old jumped freezing seeing them trying to kiss again. He remembered his parents doing that and boom. Next thing he saw his baby brother which meant , by his logical mind, if Madara and _(n)_ would kiss he would have a nephew.  He didn't wanted an other child to take his brothers attention. He looked  around but stopped seeing a snake ."......" He got the python throwing it quickly.

*enter a males girly screech*

Izuna sat outside the medical room angrily waiting for his brother to walk out. He sigh irritated seeing the door open, But his brother didn't come out alone.

Madara rubbed his head while a girl helped him walk " thanks.." " mm don't mention it .."_(n)_ smiled blushing . They soon stopped seeing the kid looking at them "....""...." Madara cleared his throat " I'll see you later .." "Mm bye .." " bye..." He smiled walking towards the kid "bye Izuna !" " ......" She sweat dropped smiling seeing he still didn't like her that much.

Madara blinked getting his brother like a baby.  Izuna wrapped his arms and legs on him as he stared at the girl sassily mouthing one thing .

"I'm watching you ."


Over protective little brother !! \(//∇//)\ Izuna made a promise to his mommy he would never let Dara go with just anyone ! (\\\ˊ艸ˋ\\\)

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