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Art belongs to tumbler / devianart: LoonelyBird ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

----night fall----

Madara breath hard as he stood in front of a injured Hashirama " your a fool. Trying to take me back to a place I left." "....I'm not trying to take you back to the village Madara." Hashirama blinked looking down  while the Uchiha stood there confuse " Hu..." " I'm trying to take you back to your family." He glared while Madaras expression turned sour " family......Hmp." He got his Kama ready but gasp feeling a sharp pain on his chest "w-what........." His eyes widen seeing the clone " wood...clone...." Hashirama blinked in back of him clutching the swords edge ".....anyone threatening the friends family ...I will exterminate ...wether its being a friend ...a sibling...or my own child."  Madara blinked twice looking down at the blood covered blade "...Hu...I never ..thought you would back stab've changed...." He blinked trying to keep his vision clear .

"...Madara...before you left...."


"_(n)_....gave birth to a healthy boy..."


The Uchiha smiled seeing everything going black slowly as the image of the only woman he loved appeared on his mind " one last thing my friend......." Madara opened his eyes tiredly trying to hear " Darami. He is young....but he a strong shinobi like his father." Madaras eyes widen remembering what he would tell the boy "h-hontô........." The man slowly slide down slamming on the floor with closed eyes and a proud smile on his lips.

Hashirama looked down frowning "...._(n)_.......I kinda broke....the promise...." He slammed down on his knees tiredly.

------------------next Day---------------

_(n)_ blinked watching the large gates open slowly. She smiled happily but gasped seeing Hashiramas terrible shape. Tobirama quickly walked getting him " anija." ".........." The Hokage kept his gaze down feeling ashamed and guilty for what he had done. He not only Killed this friend. But he killed his friends husband...and also..he killed a father.

_(n)_ blinked confuse not seeing Madara but gasp loudly with wide eyes watching men carrying a body on their shoulders. "T-Toka....." " I under stand." The senju woman looked down at the children " come. I shall buy you what ever you wish." She quickly walked holding their hands as the youngest talked happily not knowing what was happening. Darami looked back seeing them placing a familiar man on the floor. He glared slowly.

_(n)_ walked with wide eyes "_(n)_...." Mito frowned trying to reach for her friends but was too late .

" promised..........." Her eyes watered quickly seeing a pale black haired man laying lifeless on the floor. Hashirama looked at her frowning "....." " shut up." Tobirama glared at her while she looked at him. The albino looked at Madara " Madara brought this to himself. Don't blame Hashirama." His red eyes moved to the woman " shouldn't blame others....on something your could had stopped. If you really did cared for Madara. Why weren't you a good wife to him and fought back." " Tobirama...." " Urusai anija."

Her eyes widen watching him walk along with an injured Hashirama. She looked down staying like that for a brief moment as the many Uchiha made the people leave to give their some-what leader a private time. _(n)_ fell to her knees as she began to slap Madara " wake up....idiot........" She bite her lip seeing his head move to the side not responding.

"_(n)_. Stop it." Hikaku glared down at her while she trembled shaking her head " I could had stopped this....but... I was so eager to make him change back...I was so terrified ...I never " " Urusai." A loud slap was heard echoing on the place.
The woman blinked looking at her brother while her cheek sting " it wasn't your fault. " the man glared looking down at the dead leader " Tobirama said. He brought this on himself."

----------------- Later -------------

_(n)_ was kneeling on the floor letting out loud cries seeing the man on the coffin. Darami looked at him seriously remembering how he was. He still. Hated his father. Even thou his mother loved the man. He could never see him as a heart warming person. Maru blinked confuse " Nisan....who's he..." "...that'" "...I thought Tobirama was dad...." " mm....he is...but that guy is your real dad.." The 4 year old watched as they placed the coffin down while Toka and Mito held his mom back as she tried getting the unknown man back. He blinked confuse looking to his side seeing the albinos expression. His small hand moved holding his pale one as he looked straight again.


Next maybe 3-4 chapters will be a quick time skip with reader and Tobi , after them...there will be... A surprise ....??,(つД')ノ

BTW!!!! No reader and Tobi aren't married right there !! They just call Tobirama dad cuz his the father figure Darami always wanted and the only one Maru has had !! \(//∇//)\

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