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------1 Year------

Two Uchiha sat beside one an other. Madara blinked awkwardly looking to the side then down at the  boy. Darami was looking down at his hands while his small thin legs swing back and forth.



"......what do you....usually do?"


" what...?"

The kid blinked looking up at the man while Madara kept staring at him. Al though the past year wasn't the best of him trying to be a good father, he was hoping this one would be.


_(n)_ walked sighing " thanks again Tobi .." " mm no problem..." The albino blinked holding a large bag. The woman next to him kept smiling as she held a medical box " has he been doing well?" " mm! " " that's good to hear.." " hehe your worried for him? " she smiled up at the tall senju while he blushed a bit "...well his a child......" He looked to the side not wanting to make eye contact.


Madara blinked confuse looking at a tree"...18.......19.....20......." He turned seeing the garden empty. The man sigh blushing a bit as he walked  looking around. He looked to the side remembering something as he stopped on his pace. He blinked looking at somethings behind a tree. A smile slowly formed on his lips ' right.....I promised.....' He folded his arms slowly sighing " Oh...where....could he be." ".........." "....Hmp. What's this. It seems a hedgehog is on the floor." "......." Darami looked up with a poker face. Madara blinked looking down at him " sup." ".............."


_(n)_ sigh smiling hearing the door close signaling Tobirama leaving "hm his not that bad...." She blinked beginning to fix the thing about stopped hearing laugher soon a chuckle. The woman looked around confuse. She turned towards the garden door hearing it again.

-----few mins later ------

Madara smiled a bit while he held a tired boy on his arms. He blinked feeling him sleep slowly, his hand moved the medical mask slowly covering half of his sons face.
_(n)_ opened the door slowly "......." She gasp a bit seeing the extremely strange view. Her lips slowly formed in to a happy smile actually seeing him interacting.

Madara blinked looking up making eye contact. _(n)_ blinked twice smiling at him. The man blushed a bit seeing her slowly smirk.


" uh....had fun?"


He looked to the side holding the boy. The woman giggled slowly while he glared at her.


Madara blinked laying on a futon. He hide his face on the pillow sighing while two hands massaged his shoulders " why are you so tense ....?" "....I don't know...maybe cuz I'm a clan leader..." _(n)_ blinked twice moving her hands down more to his back making him twitch " o-oy....." He looked back a bit having red cheeks. The woman blinked looking at him confuse "what...." " watch were your touching...." _(n)_ looked down twitching seeing her hands on his hips. A bit lower .

"A-Ah sorry!!! Sorry!!"



"I bet you wanted to do that."


The woman glared having full red cheeks as he chuckled slowly turning having his chest facing up. He sat up a bit bringing her down. _(n)_ blushed more with a confuse expression as she moved her gaze up. Madara brought the woman more up wrapping his arms around her waist. "........I'm....cheerful right now." "Eh........" "Mm." He moved his hand on her back slowly having _(n)_ arched twitching nervously noticed a familiar smirk on his face.


"...why not "



She looked to the side then back at him. Madara blinked confuse moving his head quickly having a poker face . A 6 year old laid next to him blinking twice .




---------------- Next Day------------


"Yes !"



Madara glared while an unwanted plate / headband was on his forehead "...why." " because your a shinobi !" " that doesn't explain why I have to wear this shit ." " Madara! " " what?" He glared at the woman next to him. _(n)_ glared " your hurting his feelings." " since when do I even care !!??" " yes....." The Hokage sat on the floor sulking while the Uchiha glared irritated.


A young boy was sitting under a tree watching the academy. Next to him was a senju girl. Maeko. Hashiramas daughter " are you sure they won't let you go in!??" "Mm......" " but but your dad !" " he agreed also..." The Uchiha looked at the brunet while she looked at the black haired boy puffing her cheeks.

"Watch. You'll be really strong soon."

" don't even train...."

"Just watch. Your dad is Madara ! And my papa said Madara is the only strongest man ever ! So if my dad says that then if I say you'll be strong then you will!"

Darami blinked looking ah the weird girl sweat dropping "....I don't think it works that way...." He blinked as she giggled. He looked straight thinking deeply.


Madara glared irritated as he walked on the street "...." He looked down at the woman seeing her calmly looking around while the leaf village headband was wrapped around her neck. He moved his gaze up at his forehead soon straight seeing a familiar well two. Familiar figures walking .

He glared slowly.

Tobirama blinked looking down at the weird Uchiha "...what......." "....can you train... Me..? Without them knowing.." " that's not a good idea.." " but I found out I'm a water you..." " still. " the senju blinked twice as he carried a bonsai tree "...ill see what I can promises thou..." He smiled a bit while the child's eyes curved slowly signaling he was smiling back under the mask.

Madara had a glare as he watched them being friendly ' senju......'


_(n)_ sat alone on a table eating. She had the most confuse expression ever. Madara bailed from eating diner when he ran off to the shrine with the tablet. Darami bailed out saying maeko invited him to play.

The female Uchiha anime cried eating. Lastly. Hikaku. He bailed out not wanting to be around the place the 'porcupine' stayed at. It was unholy on his view.

The woman sigh looking down. She looked out the window noticing the sun setting. A smile slowly formed on her lips.


Hehe ! Yes! Darami shall be a hedgehog since his hair isn't as a wild as Madara a.k.a porcupine man!! (≧∇≦)

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