Peace ....?

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_(n)_ blinked looking at the ceiling. She turned to her side watching a man sleep with a strike expression. A sigh left her lips as she placed her hand on his cheek calmly stroking it. Madara twitched moving as he slowly glared still feeling something on his face. His hand quickly snatched a wrist as he opened red glowing eyes making his wife blink surprise " OY ..." She glared while he blinked twice looking around then straight at her "uhh......." He blinked having his usual black color eyes. " sorry....." " it's fine......" She smiled while he slowly made his hand let go of her delicate wrist as he rolled on his stomach sleepily pulling his hair back " what time is it..........." " mm early in the morning ." " you been awake this whole time...?" " mhm!" He looked at her confuse while she kept smiling . Madara sigh a bit " I'm a bit paranoid still...." " I know." She moved a bit hugging him closer " but at least your safe now." The male glared having pink cheeks " that's my line." " ehehe!"


Hashirama smiled walking along the now growing village. He stopped getting a rose a girl was giving him as he continued his pace towards one specific area.

Madara stepped out the now build wooden gates smiling at his friend.

"Hey!!! Don't paint it there !!!"

He had a shadow covering his face while Hashirama sweat dropped turning. They looked at the female bossing everyone around . Hikaku sigh watching his beast of a sister trying to make the Uchiha sign symmetrical.

"She's quite....."

"Nagy yes, yes she is."

Madara blinked looking at her still as he turned to his friend " what is it you wanted to do?" " I was hoping we could look around for the perfect place to put the academy" " hehe..." Madara chuckled while his friend kept smiling. " very well." He turned to the woman " _(n)_, I'm heading out okay " " Kay! " she turned smiling " aww!! One thing !!" Hashirama smiled nervously making them blink twice " what?" Madara raised an eyebrow but twitched seeing a familiar figure walk.

"Hehe I don't wanna leave Tobirama alone....can she take care of him?"

Madara smiled but his smile was empty and fake " of course. " Tobirama glared at them as he crossed his arms.


"Tea ?"


"You want more rice ?"


_(n)_ sweat dropped smiling while an extremely serious and quiet senju sat across from her. She looked down nervously while he looked to the side awkwardly. He blinked seeing a painting. He slowly frowned seeing who it was "...Izuna right...." The woman blinked looking at the direction "mm he was 7 ...." "Mm I remember....we would fight a lot " she smiled slowly" hehe..I wonder if you two still would."
Tobirama looked at her seeing the woman smiling as she eyed her tea. He looked down feeling moire guilt forming.


" bye !!! And thanks for taking care of him!!"

"I don't need to be babysat........"

"No problem ! Good bye!"

_(n)_ smiled waving as the two senju calmly left. Next to her was a smiling Uchiha but he slowly glared eyeing the albino " what did he do." " nothing really ." " eh ?" " mm his really quite....unless you tell him to move or something he just stays on the place he was told to sit " Madara blinked but puffed his cheeks " you made him eat on my favorite plate." ".....really ." " that's only for me ." He crossed his arms walking away like a Child. _(n)_ stood there blinking twice. She slowly laughed following behind as she closed the door " Madara come back !!"



A man sat leaning his back in a wooden wall. He sigh a bit watching the giant moon shine his eyes moved to his hand as he slowly clutched it .

"Madara  you should come in you'll get sick "

"I don't mind "


"If I get sick I can just stay here and I don't have to worry about anything else."

He smiled looking up at the woman while she blinked twice. A smile formed in her lips " I hope you enjoy getting molested then." She turned walking inside the warm home again leaving a poker face porcupine haired man.
"Wait what...."


"_(n)_!! What does that mean!! "



Madara stretched slowly as he laid on a futon. He blinked eyeing the Uchiha sign painted up on the ceiling "_(n)_....." "Mm" the woman opened her eyes slowly looking at him. The man kept looking at it " how old are we......." "Uhm.....27.......why..?"  He closed his eyes calmly " it's time." " for what......" "......." " Madara for what!!!" She shook him confuse while he smirked chuckling as she staid laying next to him . He slowly turned facing her as he smiled opening his eyes . _(n)_ slowly blushes feeling a hand on her hips .






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